2018 Reader Question 109 2018 Reader Question 109 published on September 13, 2018Read more posts by the author of 2018 Reader Question 109, KoryBing13 Comments on 2018 Reader Question 109 SHE’S FINE! — I’ll be at SPX this weekend! Come by and say hello!
This is fine. It doesn’t feel like it really is, PJ. Not when you consider the RQ about Janice that was asked back in 2012. The first RQ for January/February 2012 – https://www.skindeepcomic.com/reader-questions/reader-question-1/ Kory, something odd is showing with the link to that old RQ. The page is saying there are 17 comments, but it’s displaying none. Maybe those comments were lost in that big crash that happened a while ago?
It doesn’t feel like it really is, PJ. Not when you consider the RQ about Janice that was asked back in 2012. The first RQ for January/February 2012 – https://www.skindeepcomic.com/reader-questions/reader-question-1/ Kory, something odd is showing with the link to that old RQ. The page is saying there are 17 comments, but it’s displaying none. Maybe those comments were lost in that big crash that happened a while ago?
Kory, something odd is showing with the link to that old RQ. The page is saying there are 17 comments, but it’s displaying none. Maybe those comments were lost in that big crash that happened a while ago?
Least fine parent I have seen in a while. She needs Skype or something to keep in contact with her daughter in this trying time for both of them. At this point in the timeline, probably AIM would be more likely. P:
This is fine.
It doesn’t feel like it really is, PJ.
Not when you consider the RQ about Janice that was asked back in 2012.
The first RQ for January/February 2012 – https://www.skindeepcomic.com/reader-questions/reader-question-1/
Kory, something odd is showing with the link to that old RQ.
The page is saying there are 17 comments, but it’s displaying none.
Maybe those comments were lost in that big crash that happened a while ago?
I hope she will finally be okay with that one day. Mabey in the new arc?
Someone needs to go give her a hug.
Least fine parent I have seen in a while. She needs Skype or something to keep in contact with her daughter in this trying time for both of them.
At this point in the timeline, probably AIM would be more likely. P:
I forget, is she from Minnesota, perchance?
Is mothman cannon?
:( Poor Mum.
I hope she can visit the Avalon.