Let’s just say I’ve been doing a lot of research about European dragons lately. NO REASON.
How about instead of regular medallions they get to shrink to the size of a cat :-)
European dragons can already change their size.
Bloodcarver showed this way back in chapter 5 of Orientations.
Crap, i just noticed I did alot of grammar mistakes in my quastion. Sorry about that, I am not a native English speaker.
Dinosaurs aren’t all dead… We still have birds.
Zing! That along with the commentary under today’s comment things the answer is really, “noooo…”
Are cockatrices extinct too? I mean, if they can be considered dragons?
also I want you to know about the Elwetritsch. Are they real in Skin Deep?
Are barn owl gryphons uncommon or common?
I take they are uncommon
But as established, dinosaurs aren’t all that dead. Perhaps this is a bit of a hint? Also, with the colder weather hitting Wisconsin right now, I’ve been thinking about how exactly our fantastical friends keep warm in winter- winter fur? Big fireplaces? Hibernation? Burrowing? Time share in Hawaii?!
with the power of memes, duh
I imagine knuckwyrms are similar to that lindwurm as well, just with wings.
That being said… *hugs Lindy*
Lindworm is so cute!!!!!
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) do any of the cast like to write, or are there any cryptid authors, living or dead? (I figure Jim might know, and be able to overrule Alec’s usual “everyone’s a Bugbear” rant.)
According to a previous Q&A (#2 of September 2010), Merial’s guilty pleasure is fanfics; I assume she writes her own.
How about instead of regular medallions they get to shrink to the size of a cat :-)
European dragons can already change their size.
Bloodcarver showed this way back in chapter 5 of Orientations.
Crap, i just noticed I did alot of grammar mistakes in my quastion. Sorry about that, I am not a native English speaker.
Dinosaurs aren’t all dead… We still have birds.
Zing! That along with the commentary under today’s comment things the answer is really, “noooo…”
Are cockatrices extinct too? I mean, if they can be considered dragons?
also I want you to know about the Elwetritsch. Are they real in Skin Deep?
Are barn owl gryphons uncommon or common?
I take they are uncommon
But as established, dinosaurs aren’t all that dead. Perhaps this is a bit of a hint? Also, with the colder weather hitting Wisconsin right now, I’ve been thinking about how exactly our fantastical friends keep warm in winter- winter fur? Big fireplaces? Hibernation? Burrowing? Time share in Hawaii?!
with the power of memes, duh
I imagine knuckwyrms are similar to that lindwurm as well, just with wings.
That being said… *hugs Lindy*
Lindworm is so cute!!!!!
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) do any of the cast like to write, or are there any cryptid authors, living or dead? (I figure Jim might know, and be able to overrule Alec’s usual “everyone’s a Bugbear” rant.)
According to a previous Q&A (#2 of September 2010), Merial’s guilty pleasure is fanfics; I assume she writes her own.