Colin finds SO many ways to use his water magic for a bunch of mundane reasons.
I do not see this going wrong at School as soon as he attends one.. :D
How about washing up? Washing the kitchen floor or the car(s)? Cleaning the bathroom or the windows? Unblocking drains? Clearing the slime from the pond…?
Colin can wipe himself hands-free.
OMG have you ever had Ovaltine pieces? It’s just the Ovaltine powder, compressed into M&M-sized pieces that you eat by itself!
Not Ovaltine Pieces, but here in Australia in the early 1980s, we did have Ovalteenies.
YouTube ad video
1983 Ovalteenies TV Commercial – VHS Footage Restoration
I suddenly remembered that Avatar: The Last Airbender first aired in early 2005, so now waterbender-obsessed Colin is all I can think about!
Not least of which is being able to write your name in the snow without getting out of bed.
Okay, I will TOTALLY admit that my mind went straight to making gradeschool bullies look like they were peeing themselves in fear every time they saw me. If I were Colin, I’d absolutely do that. Sorry, sort of– no, I lie, not sorry at all. TAKE THAT, BULLIES! Mwahahah!
… would that require externally supplied *water*, or do you think Colin could make do with the REAL McCoy?
[inquiring minds want to know]
Oh God, that reminds me; What are the rules of magic in general in skindeep? I know Tim went over it a little bit, but what are the specifics? Are there recipes for spells? Are some more adept than others? What are the limits? SOOOOO many questions this opens up.
I do not see this going wrong at School as soon as he attends one.. :D
How about washing up? Washing the kitchen floor or the car(s)? Cleaning the bathroom or the windows? Unblocking drains? Clearing the slime from the pond…?
Colin can wipe himself hands-free.
OMG have you ever had Ovaltine pieces? It’s just the Ovaltine powder, compressed into M&M-sized pieces that you eat by itself!
Not Ovaltine Pieces, but here in Australia in the early 1980s, we did have Ovalteenies.
YouTube ad video
1983 Ovalteenies TV Commercial – VHS Footage Restoration
I suddenly remembered that Avatar: The Last Airbender first aired in early 2005, so now waterbender-obsessed Colin is all I can think about!
Not least of which is being able to write your name in the snow without getting out of bed.
Okay, I will TOTALLY admit that my mind went straight to making gradeschool bullies look like they were peeing themselves in fear every time they saw me. If I were Colin, I’d absolutely do that. Sorry, sort of– no, I lie, not sorry at all. TAKE THAT, BULLIES! Mwahahah!
… would that require externally supplied *water*, or do you think Colin could make do with the REAL McCoy?
[inquiring minds want to know]
Oh God, that reminds me; What are the rules of magic in general in skindeep? I know Tim went over it a little bit, but what are the specifics? Are there recipes for spells? Are some more adept than others? What are the limits? SOOOOO many questions this opens up.
I can’t get over Ovaltine.