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Remind me because I can’t remember…is there only one totem per animal species, or are there a bunch of each? Do common animals, such as the fox, have more totems than rare or endangered creatures?

Are totems born of humans or of the animals they represent?

How long does an animal need to exist before it effectively earns a totem? Coywolves (wolf and coyote hybrid) are becoming much more common these days–is there a coywolf totem?

“is there only one totem per animal species, or are there a bunch of each?”

I want to second this question, and also add– we know that when the animal species as a whole is sickly, the respective totem becomes more infirm and closer to death themselves. But what happens if the totem is somehow hurt or killed? Does it have an impact on the animals themselves, or is another totem ‘born’ to take its place, or…?

I wonder what an Afghan Hound would look like as a totem, would they have on something light and or sparse due to abundant hair, or think of the whole, less is best approach with a snood, maybe a vest and or something with pockets/pouches to carry things?

Are there swarm cryptids? Not insect cryptids, but an entire swarm of insects that move as a collective whole?

Ok, I’ll be honest. I just want to see the cast run from a swarm of BEEEEEEEEEEEEESSS!

THIS. THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. DUUUUUUUDE! Thank you so much for answering my question! As for which tribe, well… I live in the range where Gila Monsters live (the Arizona part, anyway– the range extends over most of Mexico, too, which the idiot Great Wall Of Trump is going to screw up nine ways to Hell) and the largest local tribe is the Tohono O’odham. Hopi, Navajo and Apache are out of the range; the Gila River tribe is nominally right on the border so I’m not sure if I’d count it. The Hualapai is also a large tribe with a lot of territory that include the range of the Banded Gila Monster (the more common one that lives in half of AZ and more than half of Mexico is the Reticulate Gila Monster), but right where I live in Tucson we see the Reticulated GMs a LOT. I’ve only seen one myself out in the boonies, but I have friends living down near the Mexican border who’ve had them living and breeding on their property as a regular thing.

So, back to the question of which tribe… I’d say the Tohono O’odham, who were once known as the Papago and whose name means People of the Desert. I don’t know of any Gila Monster kachinas, but I’ve seen the beautiful pale-coral-and-black patterns used in some Tohono O’odham beadwork.

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