Questing Beasts get a bad rap because traditionally people who are riddled with guilt about something terrible they did will see them. That’s not their fault!
I’ve updated my shop! I now have STICKERS and NEW PINS and don’t forget about my BANDANAS in the store! Check it out!
Something like warning or mourning ghosts, then. Always getting a bad rap because they appear just before a disaster or death they are trying to *warn people about*.
Noisy neighbour. I guess they are not well liked in Avalons with that noise constantly coming from their belly.
Speaking of Arthurian legends…. was the Lady of the Lake just a nixie tossing scimitars at people who were passing by?
“Well you can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Hmmm, while we the readers aren’t supposed to make Monty Python references at Tim, does half of everyone else in the LA do that every time they see him until he curses them or something?
Do Banshees exist in the Skin Deepverse?
How about kelpies with their sticky backs?
for a hot sec I thought this was a reverse Serpopard. do Serpopards exist in Skin Deep?
Do akaname exist in Skin Deep? Do they work night shift at gas stations?
If a griffin hasn’t laid her egg yet, will she look like a pregnant woman under medallion magic?
That creature looks like they’re posing for a magazine glamour shot.
Ooooh…do non-humans have glamour magazines?
Apparently yes … ?
Huh, totally forgot about that, despite reading it and asking a question and it was only last month. That answers that.
Fun fact: Questing Beasts are likely a misrepresentation of giraffes! Those long, “snake-like” necks, leopard-like spots, and deer-like hooves!