Welcome to VERA WEEK. This week is questions about, for, or featuring everybody’s favorite little knucklehead, Vera!
The real answer to this question is the same as dragons: I draw whatever I feel like drawing at the time. Demons do all have forked tails, though.
Is Vera still swimming?
Yes. So far she has eaten two sharks.
Uhhhhh excuse me, but does “forked” mean something entirely different in Dis … ? Or do I need new glasses more badly than I ever thought possible?
Pretty sure that Kory meant either SPADED tails, or forked TONGUES. At least that’s what I hope she meant. Ever had one of those days when you were writing one thing, but thinking another, and accidentally wrote something you didn’t intend?
I came here to ask the first question but I like the empathy in the second comment!
I think she meant spade-tipped or sagittate tails, which both mean to have the arrowhead shape at the end, but as far as I can tell, very few people are familiar with those terms and I couldn’t remember them without looking them up either.
Uh, Kory? Those tails are spaded, not forked ^^;
The point is you can still eat your macaroni and cheese with them.
It’s easy once you remember that the prototype for all scampy, spade-tailed demons is Hot Stuff.
This reminds me of Elder Scrolls games where “scamp” is actually the designation for a specific type of demons. Kinda goblin/satyr mix.