Now here’s a weird guy who would be terrifying to meet in a dark alleyway.
A purple tongue emerges from the darkness, followed by a beak instead of a muzzle!
The wings block out the thin reflected light of the distant street-light, casting you into darkness.
The beady black eye, in the face you can barely make out, comes down, down, down to meet your own.
The beak, dangerously close to your face, parts once more, and-!
“Would you happen to know where Isleington street is? I’ve become quite turned around and there’s hardly anybody out and about to ask at this hour…”
Hm, I feel like that’s less GRYPHON and more HIPPOGRYPH… -Thinking emoji- I sure hope it lays eggs instead of gives birth, though, bird bones are delicate and with how giraffes just… DROP…
Shortest egg incubation in history. Hatches at it hits the ground…
That is one tall boy!
Oh, we’re doing more Gryphons?
How about a Armadillo/Toucan one?
OK, maybe I’m just mean with these combinations.
Hasn’t the platypus already been gryffed?
I would go for a quoll/brolga, personally. Or thylacine/brolga. Talk about dancy birds! Wombat/tawnyfrogmouth could be fascinating also.
He might be weird but I’m sure once you know him he turnd out to be a nice guy.
This has been met with GREAT approval, thank you. <3 <3 <3
If you ever published a gryphon zine, I'd be the first to order.
Why am I reminded of some of the recent reconstructions of azhdarchid pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus?
Too many limbs and feathers are totally wrong, but the long neck and long beak… yep.
A long and tall boy indeed. But thinking of odd gryphons..
Pelagornis sandersi and a Andrewsarchus gryphon? Might be an interesting sight to have dropping out of the sky or soaring along on thermals.
I bet they nap by resting their heads on their rumps sometimes
Given what I know about Giraffe birth…
“The stork/giraffe gryphon was briefly employed in delivering babies in hard to reach areas, but it kept dropping them from a nine foot height, so we decided they weren’t a good fit for the job.”
If any mammal/any bird can be a gryphon, are other established hybrids of that style considered forms of gryphon? Like a skvader is a rabbit/wood grouse mix
A purple tongue emerges from the darkness, followed by a beak instead of a muzzle!
The wings block out the thin reflected light of the distant street-light, casting you into darkness.
The beady black eye, in the face you can barely make out, comes down, down, down to meet your own.
The beak, dangerously close to your face, parts once more, and-!
“Would you happen to know where Isleington street is? I’ve become quite turned around and there’s hardly anybody out and about to ask at this hour…”
Hm, I feel like that’s less GRYPHON and more HIPPOGRYPH… -Thinking emoji- I sure hope it lays eggs instead of gives birth, though, bird bones are delicate and with how giraffes just… DROP…
Shortest egg incubation in history. Hatches at it hits the ground…
That is one tall boy!
Oh, we’re doing more Gryphons?
How about a Armadillo/Toucan one?
OK, maybe I’m just mean with these combinations.
Hasn’t the platypus already been gryffed?
I would go for a quoll/brolga, personally. Or thylacine/brolga. Talk about dancy birds! Wombat/tawnyfrogmouth could be fascinating also.
He might be weird but I’m sure once you know him he turnd out to be a nice guy.
This has been met with GREAT approval, thank you. <3 <3 <3
If you ever published a gryphon zine, I'd be the first to order.
Why am I reminded of some of the recent reconstructions of azhdarchid pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus?
Too many limbs and feathers are totally wrong, but the long neck and long beak… yep.
A long and tall boy indeed. But thinking of odd gryphons..
Pelagornis sandersi and a Andrewsarchus gryphon? Might be an interesting sight to have dropping out of the sky or soaring along on thermals.
I bet they nap by resting their heads on their rumps sometimes
Given what I know about Giraffe birth…
“The stork/giraffe gryphon was briefly employed in delivering babies in hard to reach areas, but it kept dropping them from a nine foot height, so we decided they weren’t a good fit for the job.”
If any mammal/any bird can be a gryphon, are other established hybrids of that style considered forms of gryphon? Like a skvader is a rabbit/wood grouse mix
so majestic!
I love him.