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2024 Reader Question 12

2024 Reader Question 12 published on 15 Comments on 2024 Reader Question 12

Turns out you don’t really need to create a hidden city when you live in the deep ocean where everything is already hidden from humans. Don’t know how much longer that’ll last though. Someone should tell the ocean-dwellers to start future-proofing.


Some good places for Avalons in Central America could be the “cenotes” – but those are becoming tourist targets lately

Here in Brazil there is the “Encantado”, used for many mythical creatures (like the “boto”), but it’s also a reference to a magical place, hidden under the Amazon river (underwater Avalon anyone?)

They need to invest in AI in underwater research companies, so they can change the pictures the cameras are taking before the pictures reach the screens of the humans aboard the ship. And so they can mess with the tracking system. “Not that way, this is a big cliff”.

I would imagine UW cities would be indistinguishable from surrounding terrain, you wouldn’t make a vertical rectangular door when you’re swimming head-first. Should be very disorienting to upright beings, years of scuba diving as a hobby has given me a new way to think about how we move through space.

On the subject of mines and quarries, around here the standard response to flooding is “GTFO”, drop everything and run. Literal tons of heavy equipment on the bottom!

quarry pits and lakes are iffy too. sometimes the water is to acidic, or you get random humans tossing dynamite into it(looking at you pit 232), or ends up being a natural nuclear reactor because there is trace amounts of radioactive elements in the rocks that aren’t worth mining but still can react(though this could be a great cover for an avalon if they can spoof those readings).

I have a feeling that they may have magical techniques to deal with pollution (I mean, think of how many decades of unfiltered burning they dealt with, and the resulting acid rain).

The bigger problem nowadays, I’d think, would be related to an increased environmental awareness, and there’d be people occasionally wanting to check on said pits and lakes.

Oh. I’d bet at least one of the water Avalons is in the Great Lakes. Superior, Ontario, Huron, and Michigan are easily big enough to hide in. Maybe even the Easter Basin of Lake Erie. The Western Basin of Erie is very shallow.

One candidate in the Pacific Northwet is Spirit Lake. Structurally, it’s a big, steep-sided canyon with a bunch of glacier-fed streams running into it, and draining at the southwest corner, past the northern base of Mt. St. Helens, as the source of the North Fork of the Toutle River. Prehistoric slides & eruptions pinched off the exit, backing up the water to a generally unknown, but obviously significant, depth. The latest eruption, almost 45 years ago, raised the dam (and the surface elevation) by 200 feet. For a while after that, it was choked with logs and mud, but since then it has settled out clear again and even deeper than it was.

It’s always been a trout lake rather than a bass lake. That means the first swimmer tells his buddies, “C-c-c-com-m-me o-o-onn-n i-in, the w-w-water’s f-f-f-fine!”

It’s been re-stocked with trout, but it’s still off-limits to fishing, even though some new lakes created from lahar-dammed creeks are open. There are sure to be scientists and rangers poking around at the surface, but they should be eludible.

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