Most midforms are the same size/height as their human forms, and human forms by design stay within average human ranges. There are outliers, but even the smallest medallioned mythical creatures will be on equal footing with the largest ones when they’re in midform.
We’ve now seen all their fullforms and their midforms, but what do Leah, Rupert, and Dean look like in their human forms?
Yup. Somewhere in the vast expanses of Reader’s Questions we see all of them :)
Huh, have we seen Lorne’s fullform before?
Not as an adult, I think we’ve seen a few child versions in other RQs, but this is probably the first adult one.
No, we’ve seen his adult full form at least once in RQs!
Is there a site out there that lists all the questions and provides a link to the q&a?
If you’re in the Discord, one of the members compiled a nicely organised list currently pinned in the Comic Discussion channel!
Since Lorne wears glasses, does his full form see worse without them? Or are they just for fashion?
That brings up an interesting question – what are the smallest and largest medallioned folks?
That’s what I was wondering!
I started picturing a sphinx with magnifying glass and jeweler’s tools making a teeny-tiny medallion for a hummingbird-sized creature.
May we please see an image of the very first functional medallion or concealing object?
Does Jim have a think for short people? It seems that psycho pegasus was also not that tall.