Mike tries really hard but in the end he’s just kind of a crappy demon.
Skin Deep returns March 3rd!
Do Demons have feelings? Just wondering.
That much is quite obvious- yes, they do. We’ve seen them convey: Anger, Fear, and in this pic, sadness.
I don’t know why, but I love this guys feet.
Is he bad at being a demon because he tries to uphold his word ?
Do any other …creatures… exist in dis besides dragons and demons? also if its just them can we get some looks at different types?
P.S. was having flashbacks to the avalon about what to call the and forgot if they settled on a name XD
Long time ago you mentioned not having an idea about multi-headed creatures.
What if multi-headed creatures share one mind, but are different aspects of one’s personality? Like a “…lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle…” Iliadic chimera who has the forebody of a lion, a goat’s hinds, and a snake tail. Two heads, lion and snake. The snake only acts on the main head’s subconscious impulses like hissing at people they don’t like, or nuzzling up against people they do like…even if they don’t want it to. Could have some interesting “Stop doing that!” comments.
Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike!
I’m a camel!
Well, at least he’s easy to anesthetize. All he needs is a spritz of Febreze. “Knocks strong odors out.” (Sorry, having a Dogma flashback. Mike did say he’s a shit demon, though he looks nothing like the Golgothan…)
Do Demons have feelings? Just wondering.
That much is quite obvious- yes, they do. We’ve seen them convey: Anger, Fear, and in this pic, sadness.
I don’t know why, but I love this guys feet.
Is he bad at being a demon because he tries to uphold his word ?
Do any other …creatures… exist in dis besides dragons and demons? also if its just them can we get some looks at different types?
P.S. was having flashbacks to the avalon about what to call the and forgot if they settled on a name XD
Long time ago you mentioned not having an idea about multi-headed creatures.
What if multi-headed creatures share one mind, but are different aspects of one’s personality? Like a “…lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle…” Iliadic chimera who has the forebody of a lion, a goat’s hinds, and a snake tail. Two heads, lion and snake. The snake only acts on the main head’s subconscious impulses like hissing at people they don’t like, or nuzzling up against people they do like…even if they don’t want it to. Could have some interesting “Stop doing that!” comments.
Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike!
I’m a camel!
Well, at least he’s easy to anesthetize. All he needs is a spritz of Febreze. “Knocks strong odors out.” (Sorry, having a Dogma flashback. Mike did say he’s a shit demon, though he looks nothing like the Golgothan…)