You can find tritons on the Cirque Fountain at the Liverpool Avalon! They’re saltwater aquatic creatures like mermaids! Because they have two tails they can sometimes be mistaken for nokks, but they have human-colored upper bodies and no shapeshifting powers. Plus they’re saltwater.
Are there farshee and banshee in Skin Deep universe?
…For some reason when I see this guys face I think of GenerikB of Youtube fame…GenerikB is Triton confirmed?
OMG! You were at Further Confusion in San Jose this year, and I didn’t realize it! I was so busy running my little vendor booth in the West Vendor Room, that I never made it to any of the other booths! If you stopped by a booth that was selling fuzzy ears and tails, and Steampunk jewelry and GOGGLEs – that was me! Please tell me if you stopped by and we chatted even if I didn’t realize who you were at the time? SO CRUSHED AT MISSED OPPORTUNITY! Argh! Hopefully you will be there next year!
Nice teeth.
Do Tritons have medallions?
I asked that same question over on Pateron, when Kory posted the source image about a week ago.
Even a text answer from Kory on this would be good.
A fun heraldic beastie that I haven’t seen yet: are there enfields in Skin Deep?
Are there quadritons? :p
Are there female tritons? Is the Starbucks logo one, then?
Thanks, Kory!
In heraldic terms, the Starbucks logo features a melusine.
What would a chimera wolf hybrid look like?