I had never heard of this critter before! I love learning about new monsters and creatures. Ninki Nanka is a creature from West African folklore, and in 2006 a group of cryptozoologists from the UK went to Gambia to try to find it and interview locals who had seen it. Neat!
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What does the cretueres think of fictional works that involve mythical creatures? Like percy jackson harry potter, god of war etc..
Are there any Avalons that protect endangered non-magical animals just because they were “in the neighborhood?” Technically mammoths lived until the days of ancient Egypt, for example, and I’d love to see a sphinx trying to explain to a mammoth rancher that NO, they are NOT making medallions for livestock!
Do alraunes exist in Skip Deep? What about arachnes or girtablilu?
How about an Oozlefinch or Snallygaster?
Do mananangal exist in this universe? How about Rainbow serpents?
As angels exist, do other creatures similar to Angels like Valkyries exist? Or would they just be angels with a different name?