Happy 2013! I’m very excited about this year! I hope y’all can come out and see me at a convention! I’ll be posting a con schedule as soon as I get it more ironed out, but my first convention is Emerald City Comic Con on March 1-3!
Thanks to everyone who’s read the comic, and let’s have a happy 2013!
Oh my god Hank you are like an adorable little Disney character with an NRA membership.
My sentiments exactly!
I like the little “hat tilt” in panel 2. A good cartoon almost animates itself in your mind.
Oh man, Hank can probably whistle like a BEAST. I’d love to hear that. Maaaaan.
First thing I wondered was if that whistle meant something to some of the other residents.
Hank is so cute :3
I’m feeling an increasing desire for a charm or pulshie version of him.
a plushy version with a chickadee sound box ^^
Oooh. New medalion, Kory? Perhaps?
Actually, Hank is a totem so he doesn’t need a medallion. But I do think a charm is AWESOME!
Hank only has sentry duty because no one can say no to his cute face.
Actually Hank getting that position *might* have a direct relation to one third of “the(!) sentries” going places … hmmm.
Yaaay! So glad you’re coming to Seattle!
On a comic-related note, how on earth can a night mare ever be considered “fun sized”?
Well maybe the skull in question was a foal or a pony. Or maybe it’s just laughably pathetic.
Pretty sure the “fun-size” was directed at hank, but a foal Nightmare would be so cute in a creeptastic kind of way…
So far, I assumed that Gabe’s taking a jab at Hank with that …
That was my thought too.
With his cute looks and cheerful attitude, Hank must be a chick magnet.
It must have been embarrassing for him coming home from school, with all the other bird-kids stuck to him.
And if diplomacy had failed, Gabe could have just cast “Summon Fangirls” and then walked calmly away while Hank was being mobbed. >:=)>
Now, how soon are we going to meet this Old Ivory character, and how long will Gabe be staying diplomatic with them?
– “You loaned -a nightmare- to the Grims!!! How could you…”
– “I had a royal flush! There’s no way they should have been able to beat that hand!”
Considering that Gabe’s unpacking those wings in the last panel, chances are that Old Ivory’s going to just get his face flapped. >;->
Poor Hank…… so easily won over to trust and beleive the best about people….. well at least those who are not human……. something tells me he’s not going to be thanked for brining Gabe and his questions into the DP Avalon.
Is that a wing in the third panel?
I don’t think so. I think it’s the “skunk ape” sentinel. His form is obscured by his hair, like Cousin Itt.
Class: 6 Sentry/2 Ranger
Race: Half Avian
Alignment: Chaotic Lawful
Stats: 7 Str, 14 Dex, 11 Con, 13 Int, 8 Wis, 19 Cha
Chaotic Lawful? How does that work? Applies rules in random fashion?
Hank may be True Neutral if I haven’t gotten confused about D&D alignments. Granted, it’s been a while since I cracked a rulebook.
Chaotic Lawful is both the crux of joke and, in itself, a contradiction.
Though I was once involved in a Planescape game in which a “Chaotic Lawful” character existed. He was pretty much all about enforcing laws with no regard to their content, origin, or applicability. He particularly enjoyed enforcing contradictory laws, codes, rules, and statures.
…Ya meet all types throughout the Planes, berk.
Chaotic Lawful is a little bit like Evil Good.
It doesn’t really work out too well on character sheet.
I would call Hank “Well-intentioned semi-lawful”
Oh dear. Starting the New Year with Hank is starting it right.
By the way, Homecoming is missing from the “Chapters” dropdown.
Love how Eustace keeps shifting in / out of midform! And what is he carrying? Also, did Gabe finally shed hir coat in the last panel?
that last panel is possibly the most adorable thing you ever ever drawn I am just going to go ahead and hazard a guess here
Hmm… Old Ivory… Why do I get the feeling Old Ivory is some kind of elephant monster?
Hello Kory. Listen, I’m a really big fan of your work, but there is something that I find uncomfortable. I find it uncomfortable that you comic only in engelsh releases, so I want to make a proposal. I can translate your texts in any language you want. If you want to go in my offer I hear you.