Another familiar face! Well, kinda? I think this is the first time I’ve ever drawn Lorne as a human in the comic! Wow! Look at all these weird human faces. It’s weird. I hope they go into the Avalon soon so I can draw them as weird animal monster people again.
It’s hard to see on this page, but Lorne is wearing this shirt. This amazing shirt.
The roads have improved since the 1930s. The train system has gotten worse.
The roads have improved. However, the drivers have not followed suit.
As a young driver (fresh out of driver’s ed), I completely agree.
I second that
Transportation has indeed improved…But cars don’t move any faster than trains.
It takes air travel to get any significant distance in the US in a short period of time.
Air travel flight speed has indeed improved.
However, that is offset by the increased crowding and traveller numbers using airports, and by the increased security checks after September 11 2011.
Car speed has improved since the 1930s, as have roads.
But yes, it still takes significant time to travel any real distance.
I like that, and my family likes that, because it gives us an excuse to drive the RV and take in the sights on the way.
After all, the places you go and see while going somewhere are half the fun of a journey, and you can’t DO any of that from a plane.
It has improved, but the keyword here is “slightly”
He strong.
Nemeans are stronk. even the shrimpy-looking nerds.
Aw Lorne, I missed that Nemean strength!
Jim didn’t need those ribs anyway . . .
Not ribs, Lynx-Eye.
Dangit Jim! You promised you’d call!
Yay, Lorne’s back
With a great tan I might add
Who’s “Brian Lee”, and why is his name on Lorne’s shirt?
I like friends that can hug you off your feet, I have one of those. ^,,^
I used to love doing that to my friends. Then I cracked my neighbor’s rib… I don’t do that any more.
I wonder if Lorne’s ever had that problem?
Awww…. I’m sorry. D:
I do too– he’s 6’7″ in his bare feet! He used to drive me to the hospital for chemo and we’d get the *weirdest* looks (I’m 5’0″.)
The gryphons may have weird expressions when they don’t have beaks, but to me, Lorne’s the one who looks as downright wrong as a human. Maybe because most of the changes are fairly subtle: less fuzzy, but same colouring, same hair, same build, roughly similar facial structure after accounting for species… and then suddenly rabbit teeth.
I will never not love his and Jon’s buck teeth. Giant indestructible lions…with silly buck teeth. It’s perfect.
Lorne has silly little buck teeth in fullform too, and it’s adorable.
They’re not really all that giant, only slightly larger than regular lions. We’ve seen at least one wandering around the LA. They’re still supernaturally strong and nearly indestructible though.
…so Lorne’s a fan of LegalZoom?
Or am I just thinking of the wrong Brian Lee?
Or is it wrestling?
“This amazing shirt…”
I’m sorry, but i don’t get it. I hate to display my ignorance, but it just looks like a plain white T-shirt with a (unknown) name on. The name doesn’t even give a meaningful hit on Google or Wikipedia…
Is this some kind of reference to some U.S. subculture, that i as a European don’t know about or whatever? Please explain?
I’m an American, and I’m not sure who Brian Lee is either…
Isn’t this Page 19?
Ahaha, poor Jim!
(also, “transportation” is misspelled in the second panel — missing the second T. Just a heads-up! ;D)
YAAYY LORNE IS HERE!!! This is going to be fu~un!!
Also, before anyone asks, I’ll bet that Alex Hyde told him that Jim was near.
Aw, he just wanted to surprise you, Lorne.
and omg tobias paul and lorne’s human forms are so perfect, I recognized them immediately <3
I’d expected Tobias’s hair to be far shorter, since he’s still going to school.
do you have to have short hair in school? maybe he’s a REBEL lol he always struck me as snarky XD
Bear hugs got nothing on Nemean Hugs!
Makes me wonder who’d be able to hug a person stronger in mid form, Myra or Lorne?
I’m guessing that Lorne could hug a person more strongly, but Myra (or Alec) could make it more traumatic for the recipient.
Heave ho!
I know it says “HUG”, but in my mind I’m hearing the same sound as ice on a frozen lake cracking…
Am I the only one who thinks Merial’s smile in the 3rd panel is extremely hilarious?
Also, for some reason it makes think that those sharp teeth are nixie teeth :D
That’s because they ARE Nixie teeth.
Where did Jim’s hair tie come from in the last panel?
Lorne is back!! What a cute patootie!
Is that a Tom Waits shirt Greg is wearing? Sweeeet.
Lorne was always my favorite, I wish he was my brother or something. But now…. I think he has seen to much sunlight
Hmmm… Wonder what Merial is going to think of Lorne—or vice versa. Didn’t he and Jim used to date?
Yep, Jim and Lorne used to date. I still say I don’t think Jim and Merial were ever a serious relationship. I’m expecting Lorne to take a bit to warm up to the people Jim brought back home from America with him, but I can see Merial and Lorne finding bonding ground quickly.
That next to last panel really just encapsulates their relationship, doesn’t it?
Ahhh, friendship. Where insulting someone is the best way to greet them.
Kory, don’t you mean:
“I hope they go into the Avalon soon so I can draw them as normal animal monster people again.”
Oh Lorne you lovely grumpy kitten
Awkward Stephen Universe/Gravity Falls smiles all around!
Lorne, stop grabbing your ex-boyfriend’s butt before it falls off!
Hee, hee, I missed Lorne’s bucktoothed face. He’s a gopher-lion.
I love how smug tobias looks in that panel where jim is being a dork like “hahah my brother is an idiot”, it’s perfect and I never noticed it before
Ngl, we had pretty good public services some fifty odd years ago… right up until the laws said those had to be available to *everyone*…