I’m back from VanCAF! I had a great time, thanks to everyone who came by and said hello!!
Goes to show how boring he is: He put the puppeh to sleep.
Lectures tend to do that to me as well. ;-p
Ravi seems to have got the message. Good girl, Martha!
No one wants to hear it, Ravi
She’s adorable C:
Annnnnd – sleep attack! :-D
What I hear in panel 5 is “Crikey! ain’t she a Beaut?!”
I giggled hopelessly at that comment.
They revoked my “Man” card.
Gosh Darnit Ravi, you knocked out the poor dead puppy!
Yeah, shut up Ravi! Either give us plot advancement or go home.
Martha used “Rest”, it’s super effective!
But I wanted to hear what he had to say! :-p
Maybe in the next Q&A we can see a bit of this exposition?
He’s boring not evil or a bad being. Doggy would know
**nods** Just what I was thinking. Ravi’s non-malevolent, even if he is annoying at times.
Honestly, I’m not worried about “malevolent” so much as “well-meaning but very mistaken about some key things”. I mean, he does look the type to me…
The Question & sidetrack-with-lack-of-Answer session at Ravi’s shop in chapter 1 of Illumination shows he IS ‘that type’.
Ravi strikes me as the “doesn’t care about a persons quality of life” type.
Sleep-whump! And right on Ravi’s feet, too. Martha is too adorable for words.
Way to go Ravi, you killed th dead dog.
Love the expressions when Exposition Man butts in. But hey, we readers need Exposition Man! Sorry it’s hard on the other characters sometimes.
“Geeze, Hermione, do you EVER shut up?”
The laws of Oh’um contain some of the greatest mysteries.
Ravi. So annoying that even Ghost can’t withstand him.
**snerk** That fist that James Finn is determinedly clutching against his chest says, “Will not punch guest; will NOT punch possibly-powerful guest. I learned better manners than that. Might bloody well tell off guest, but I won’t punch him…..”
I personally was more thinking that what was going through james’ mind was “get your hand off my shoulder right friggen now!”
That, and ‘get your over-eager interrupting face out of my Personal Space, Right Now’.
Good girl, Martha! Play dead, Martha . . .oh, Sorry.
There are very few times where Ravi has not looked pleased as punch.
This is the second such instance since the comic started.
Well he’s been unequivocally shown, BY A DEAD DOG, that he’s dull as dishwater and gives boring lectures. No way to ignore that.
Random questions for Kory!
How much magic is used for small tasks by regular people in communities like the LA? I’m thinking about people with no thumbs (or medallions) reading books and having a magical page turner or thought controlled pens for drawing or writing; that sort of thing.
Another one – Nobody’s perfect so what do you think some of the “flaws” might be for people like Blanche, Eleanor, or Abbie? Any gossip you’d be willing to dish out? :-)
Mad respect for including the happy puppy lean. Most people forget that a lot of dogs will press their heads into your hand when you pet them.
Well, considering what Patreon sketches have apparently hinted about Ravi, his chattiness may be hard-wired, much as ants are in near-constant communication with each other. Indeed, his race, long revered as soothsayers and psychopomps, bears as its name the Greek word for “prophet” though in SD the word might be named after THEM. Best to consider them embodiments of the idea and leave it at that.
I love this page a lot, my dog passed away recently and we kept her collar so every time I see it I think about this and how maybe regular humans can’t see the animals haunting their collars.
Ravi not every secret needs to touch you :P
My god, someone finally did it… They left Ravi speechless, or at least something he didn’t know was going to happen.
Goes to show how boring he is: He put the puppeh to sleep.
Lectures tend to do that to me as well. ;-p
Ravi seems to have got the message. Good girl, Martha!
No one wants to hear it, Ravi
She’s adorable C:
Annnnnd – sleep attack! :-D
What I hear in panel 5 is “Crikey! ain’t she a Beaut?!”
I giggled hopelessly at that comment.
They revoked my “Man” card.
Gosh Darnit Ravi, you knocked out the poor dead puppy!
Yeah, shut up Ravi! Either give us plot advancement or go home.
Martha used “Rest”, it’s super effective!
But I wanted to hear what he had to say! :-p
Maybe in the next Q&A we can see a bit of this exposition?
He’s boring not evil or a bad being. Doggy would know
**nods** Just what I was thinking. Ravi’s non-malevolent, even if he is annoying at times.
Honestly, I’m not worried about “malevolent” so much as “well-meaning but very mistaken about some key things”. I mean, he does look the type to me…
The Question & sidetrack-with-lack-of-Answer session at Ravi’s shop in chapter 1 of Illumination shows he IS ‘that type’.
Ravi strikes me as the “doesn’t care about a persons quality of life” type.
Sleep-whump! And right on Ravi’s feet, too. Martha is too adorable for words.
Way to go Ravi, you killed th dead dog.
Love the expressions when Exposition Man butts in. But hey, we readers need Exposition Man! Sorry it’s hard on the other characters sometimes.
“Geeze, Hermione, do you EVER shut up?”
The laws of Oh’um contain some of the greatest mysteries.
Ravi. So annoying that even Ghost can’t withstand him.
**snerk** That fist that James Finn is determinedly clutching against his chest says, “Will not punch guest; will NOT punch possibly-powerful guest. I learned better manners than that. Might bloody well tell off guest, but I won’t punch him…..”
I personally was more thinking that what was going through james’ mind was “get your hand off my shoulder right friggen now!”
That, and ‘get your over-eager interrupting face out of my Personal Space, Right Now’.
Good girl, Martha! Play dead, Martha . . .oh, Sorry.
There are very few times where Ravi has not looked pleased as punch.
This is the second such instance since the comic started.
Well he’s been unequivocally shown, BY A DEAD DOG, that he’s dull as dishwater and gives boring lectures. No way to ignore that.
Random questions for Kory!
How much magic is used for small tasks by regular people in communities like the LA? I’m thinking about people with no thumbs (or medallions) reading books and having a magical page turner or thought controlled pens for drawing or writing; that sort of thing.
Another one – Nobody’s perfect so what do you think some of the “flaws” might be for people like Blanche, Eleanor, or Abbie? Any gossip you’d be willing to dish out? :-)
Mad respect for including the happy puppy lean. Most people forget that a lot of dogs will press their heads into your hand when you pet them.
Well, considering what Patreon sketches have apparently hinted about Ravi, his chattiness may be hard-wired, much as ants are in near-constant communication with each other. Indeed, his race, long revered as soothsayers and psychopomps, bears as its name the Greek word for “prophet” though in SD the word might be named after THEM. Best to consider them embodiments of the idea and leave it at that.
I love this page a lot, my dog passed away recently and we kept her collar so every time I see it I think about this and how maybe regular humans can’t see the animals haunting their collars.
Ravi not every secret needs to touch you :P
My god, someone finally did it… They left Ravi speechless, or at least something he didn’t know was going to happen.