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On hiatus! Comic will return January 28th (hopefully)!

Illumination 3 page 21

Illumination 3 page 21 published on 42 Comments on Illumination 3 page 21

I will be at SDCC this week! I don’t have a booth, I’m just walking around in costumes for four days! But I DO have a panel on Saturday! Check it out!Hooray! So if you’ll be at San Diego Comic Con and you want to see me, I will DEFINITELY be at that panel! Otherwise look for a Newt Geiszler on Thursday, a Garfield the Deals Warlock on Friday, or a Jillian Holtzmann on Sunday, as those are the cosplays I will be wearing!! Exciting!



Ha ha oh Jocasta, you probably just damned a bunch of innocent people on both sides cause you lost your temper. Our hero everyone.

Huh, I just noticed how the fire (accelerant?) comes out of the two glands/ducts to either side of the mouth. What a cool detail! Reminds me of Dragonology, how they tried to hypothesize how something can breathe fire.

It’s one of the only two ways Fire-breathing makes sense, and this one’s the more “Scientific” explanation. Some real animals, Like the Bombardier Beetle, make fire by storing combustible chemicals in glands that are then excreted and ignite on contact with the air. Dragons would take the same premise and scale it up to infinity.

The other option, of course, is Magic. Given the magical nature of several things in the comic, I’m a little surprised Kory went with the science explanation. Unless there’s a hidden commentary there, of magic vs. science.

Sometimes it could be both. I personally like the answer that dragons are magic incarnate. But I don’t think that that everyone else likes that idea nor does it follow this story line. Because if memory serves me right in orientations Ch 2 page #? ( I need help here) Jim clearly states that he thinks that the ” GREAT WAR” started because the dragons felt that the sphinxes were to powerful.

We-e-ell…Bombardier beetles don’t actually produce fire, just a scalding-temperature spray of chemicals. Admittedly it’s not that much more of a stretch to imagine something producing an exothermic chemical which would actually burn when exposed to the atmosphere, but just for the record, bombardiers don’t.

I’d hate to see what Jo was thinking would happen

I think she’s gonna come back. After all, why show this sequence? Maybe there’s another reason but the one I’m holding on to is that she comes back with an apology, and Jocasta has one as well

I will eat fire if that happens. And sorry if this sounding mean but have you ever herd what happens when you get two dominant males in a room together. They fight. Now I might be using the wrong analogy here but Jo and miss angry go to Hades dragon here are two dominant females and I think and have in school lunch rooms what happens when two dominant females are together and within arms reach of each other. BIG FIGHT. Now once again I apologize if this sounds mean or offends anyone.

I love the jets of flame! Reminds me of a movie or something, I think I saw at one point, where it explained that dragon fire was a chemical spray, one chemical from a gland on one side of the mouth, and another from the other, and when they combine in the open air they ignite.

Indeed. Or a “binary compound”, as they call it. Each chemical harmless on its own, but mix them together and you get a spectacular result. If the reaction also requires the chemicals to mix with the oxygen in the air, then it becomes (technically) a trinary agent.

However, oxygen is not ALWAYS necessary for fire. Just ask anyone who’s witnessed a Chlorine Trifluoride fire. Chlorine trifluoride will burn asbestos, bricks, concrete, titanium, wet sand, test engineers, and the dreams of children. It oxidizes better than oxygen and reacts explosively with water (and releases poisonous fluorine gas as a byproduct)… the best way to deal with the stuff is to run (upwind, of course), and let it burn itself out. A ton of this stuff spilled in a Texas warehouse; it burned its way through a foot of concrete and three feet of sand and gravel beneath.

Maybe not *quite* as terrifying as Chlorine triflouride (other than to the men who flew it), but the t-stoff and c-stoff that powered the Messerschmitt Me-163 point-defense interceptor had a tendency to explode on landing, and is known to have *dissolved* (as in rendered to goo) one of it’s pilots.

I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! It’s that panel from Orientations! The one where Jim explains the Great War. I knew you were going to draw it again!

That may have been a bit arrogant and hot-headed on Jocasta’s part, but at the same time, I think this exchange illustrated perfectly why the dragons were probably not ready to be able to walk undetected around other sapients. Can you imagine the first time a dragon in human form got cut off in a queue? Or received crappy service at a restaurant? BOOM! Roasted!

A random question popped into my head as I was looking at this week’s post. It appears that the dragon’s fire ignites at the meeting of the two streams of “firestarter” liquid. If those streams are misaligned does a young dragon have to wear the drake-equivalent of braces to get them straightened out? I bet Bloodcarver had to have them when he was a youngin’.

That would be a hilarious picture! Please, Kory, please?

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