I shouldn’t have to say this but Ravi is not a role model. Don’t act like Ravi. You should never touch anyone’s hair without permission, that’s a pretty unforgivable move.
I got new stuff in the store! Earrings and Pins and stuff!
I shouldn’t have to say this but Ravi is not a role model. Don’t act like Ravi. You should never touch anyone’s hair without permission, that’s a pretty unforgivable move.
I got new stuff in the store! Earrings and Pins and stuff!
That “your hair has always been plants” sounds kind of creepy. what about the plants’ roots?
Also, nice try Jim, but now you must go through torture, aka Ravi. good luck
I guess Stanley wasn’t so stupid after all, was she?
Hair has roots too, you know.
“It weren’t never plants.” Double negative. So yes, that is correct Jim; it was always plants!
“It has always been plants, my dear boy! You, too, will be plants eventually! Immortality is fun! :D”
…Either Ravi carries around a big pair of scissors or he’s capable of outright conjuring one whenever he wants, either explanation having some pretty weird implications…
I think he probably knows Jim well enough that he would try to do something like that.
Well, his is some sort immortal with demigod-like powers.
One does not simply escape the presence of an immortal.
I touch my cat’s hair quite often. She seems to like it.
Really? You should never touch someone’s hair without permission?
What about grabbing it with a yank as someone’s walking away? It wouldn’t be touching if I were wearing gloves, right?
Jim has always been an upright member of the community. He’s a salad citizen. . . and a chia pet.
Well, if it’s plant matter, that probably explains Stanley the Sea Monster’s enthusiasm for Jim’s hair…
I never thought about it before, but yeah you’re right.
Okay, now I’m starting to side with Jim. Ravi is being awfully familiar with these people he technically just met, and he’s taking some serious liberties. I’m seeing some red flags.
I think Ravi just has no clue how to deal with people and 0 awareness of himself to change.
Gotta say, all this may be worth it if Jim doesn’t have to have long ass hair anymore. He looks better with short hair in my opinion.
His hair always regrows in a matter of seconds, that’s been said and even shown in the past in this comic.
I know, I’m saying this whole experience might be worth it if Jim can make his hair not do that.
Neverending Asparagus! Jim is now my new bestie =^.^=
So… Does he get to choose what kind of plants his hair turns into? What about herbs? Jim could make bank by growing saffron. Or instantly have herbs de provenance on hand by adding his magic hair to soups or stews. Just too bad he isn’t french to even consider cooking implications.
It’s always been Wankershim
My favorite part of reading this chapter is deciding what Coronation Street character everyone in Jim’s family sounds like.
It was kinda worrisome that he was feeding hair to a pet. That’s a recipe for a trichobezoar.
I think that green should = earth bending not nature bending but that is just me.
How many green rocks have you seen?
Many actually, such as Jade, Emerald, and some other precious, semiprecious and bog-standard stones. Still, brown is more common, so I’d expect that to be earth more than green.
Not exactly what I was talking about. You see the four elements of Earth are represented by four different colors. Air is white, fire is red, water is blue, and Earth green. And I am not just going off of avatar the last air bender here.
Ravi is Indian, so his elemental chart would probably be the Chinese one which is Wood, fire, air, water, earth, and metal.
You got a good point there. But then where do the plants fit in?
….. Wood
Wood! Which is actually bamboo in the elements instance, so more of a grass really.
Don’t forget oxidized copper?
That’s kind of convenient, now that I think about it. If Jim manages to master his plant wielding abilities, he’ll always have a weapon on him, unlike Colin who would need to be near a water source to use his.
A human body is made of 60% of water. Just hope that Colin stays a nice guy and wouldn’t even think of it.
Anybody who’s seen Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood knows how that turns out.
I saw fullmetal. that water alchemist went a bit to far with the blood thing…
*dont call me shrimp!!!
Guys, y’all know that water is in the very air we breath it is just less condensed.
Or the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra.
Oi! Ravi! Don’t go cutting that boi’s hair!
It’s a matter of perspective. As far as Ravi is concerned, that hair pretty much belongs to him, along with Jim and Colin’s abilities.
Well that’s kinda dark if you think to hard about it.
I never thought of it that way. I’m still siding with Ravi, but only because I’m assuming this’ll get Jum to learn to use his magic to regrow that hair back. It is still a rude gesture, but it’s not without purpose.
It usually grows back on its own. I’m guessing the reason why it’s not this time is because they’re underground, or because Ravi altered the way the magic works, just this once.
Jimothy? A word in your ear: Keep growing your mane back (not that you have a choice or anything.) The Prince Valiant look just doesn’t work for you, I’m afraid. Also, is part of the reason you’re so freakin’ angry because some little part of you *recognizes* that you should’ve been trained in the use of your powers long ago but never were? Just wondering.
I think that’s part of it, but I think he’s mad because he wanted to travel the world, only to find out he now has to stay and guard the Phoenix egg. I think he’s also frustrated because Colin picked up on how to move water around instantly, while Jim can’t control his plant abilities at all. Plus he has to live up to famous figures like Phineas and his daughter, which puts a lot of pressure on him.
where did jim’s hair band go?
So Jimothy’s hair is similar to that of Angora in The Meek?
Jim is being stupid. He needs to quit whining and start learning.
Now I am wondering how physically strong Ravi is to hold Jim like that. I would say that Mid Form Jim weighs at less 300 pounds.(Correct me if I am wrong)
So his confirmation name is FERN?
On one hand I feel really sorry for Jim right now, On the other I’m wondering if this means that when his hair gets wet, then dries… Is it best described as Bushy?
Yeah, here’s hoping Ravi will be sent packing back to the India Peninsular Area preferably with emphasis by two or three annoyed strapping Yaksha bodyguards because he keeps showing his utter lack of actual respect.
Perhaps with them along to temper his … enthusiasm … he might be able to help put things back in better order.
Hehe, I love Jim’s hair.
Jim does have Earth magic. Ravi states it at the beginning of Illuminations, just before he first turns Jim’s hair into plants. Illuminations Ch1 Pg 30. “I have seen Paulbert, he does not have the gift! How can he possibly be expected to guard the egg without elemental help? You have Earth Magic, what does he have? Nothing!”
Personal space, Ravi? have you not heard of it? I have to say, Jim’s a lot more patient than me.
Or careful. Ravi is obviously a very, very, very, very powerful immortal magician.
“Wait, it’s all plants?”
“Always has been.”
I see what you did there XD
Okay, so the earth users don’t need any help because they are already carrying their armory on their head, and it instantly replenishes itself. Water users have the fountain and the smaller basins. Air…well, try and get away from it. That leaves fire – if fire users need a fire source to start with. Like the candles. I guess when they get a new redhead they’ll have to keep the candles lit again.