And there in lies the real reason Michelle doesn’t like being a mythological creature. Breezes in suspicious places…
Well imagine how you would feel if you were suddenly feeling chilly in places you didn’t previously know you had
Brr Im freezing my tail off.. what the..TAIL?!?
Quite understandable to my mind ^^
not her tail shes worried about
Maybe “postshadowing” ? XD Since it so looks like Jim speaks from experience here…
heh sounds quite painful seen as a horse kick can kill a person if in the right spot
As someone who came within inches of being kicked in the face by a Clydesdale, I agree. It sounds very painful.
By the way, if you ever want to experience something that will make you wish you wore your brown pants, try being almost kicked in the face by a Clydesdale. It will scare the s**t out of you. That hoof was roughly the size of a dinner plate.
The timing for that last line is just perfect. I saw it coming but laughed regardless… :D
Funnily enough, I made comments of a suspiciously similar nature to this discussion on the previous page… before having read this one.
Lampshade-hanging much?
I don’t really understand. What’s so funny about the horse bits flapping in the breeze? What is there to even flap? The tail? Can anyone explain this to me?
The horse’s male/female parts.
Ah. Icee. Now I get it.
I think I speak for all of us when I say…
We’d rather not.
*snickers* Your comment made my day!
I love the characters! The last three panels of this page made me lol. Bit immature of me, but whatever. :)
Also… speaking with a beak? How does that even work? Shouldn’t he sound more like ol’ Pollywannacracker?
They WILL kick you!
Centaurs in every legend are some of the best warriors ever of course they Kick if you had an extra set of limbs for hitting you’d use em
And there in lies the real reason Michelle doesn’t like being a mythological creature. Breezes in suspicious places…
Well imagine how you would feel if you were suddenly feeling chilly in places you didn’t previously know you had
Brr Im freezing my tail off.. what the..TAIL?!?
Quite understandable to my mind ^^
not her tail shes worried about
Maybe “postshadowing” ? XD Since it so looks like Jim speaks from experience here…
heh sounds quite painful seen as a horse kick can kill a person if in the right spot
As someone who came within inches of being kicked in the face by a Clydesdale, I agree. It sounds very painful.
By the way, if you ever want to experience something that will make you wish you wore your brown pants, try being almost kicked in the face by a Clydesdale. It will scare the s**t out of you. That hoof was roughly the size of a dinner plate.
The timing for that last line is just perfect. I saw it coming but laughed regardless… :D
Funnily enough, I made comments of a suspiciously similar nature to this discussion on the previous page… before having read this one.
Lampshade-hanging much?
I don’t really understand. What’s so funny about the horse bits flapping in the breeze? What is there to even flap? The tail? Can anyone explain this to me?
The horse’s male/female parts.
Ah. Icee. Now I get it.
I think I speak for all of us when I say…
We’d rather not.
*snickers* Your comment made my day!
I love the characters! The last three panels of this page made me lol. Bit immature of me, but whatever. :)
Also… speaking with a beak? How does that even work? Shouldn’t he sound more like ol’ Pollywannacracker?
They WILL kick you!
Centaurs in every legend are some of the best warriors ever of course they Kick if you had an extra set of limbs for hitting you’d use em