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Kill Them with Kindness 12: Sustenance

Kill Them with Kindness 12: Sustenance published on 59 Comments on Kill Them with Kindness 12: Sustenance

This is the second-to-last page of this storyline! GOLLY GOSH.

EDIT: I had to do some last-minute editing, and now THIS page is the last page of Kill Them with Kindness! Sorry for the switcheroo! But there will be something special for y’all to see on Tuesday, I promise! : )

If you pledge $2 or more a month to the Skin Deep Patreon, you can see these comic pages early! This page went up on Saturday! DANG.

For those of you who preordered Stag and Gryphon medallions: good news! I got them today! The preorders will be going out tomorrow, and then they’ll be UP IN THE STORE again!

The 99¢ sale on the Orientations ebook continues until the END OF THE WEEK. Go snag it if you haven’t yet! :)


The look on Lee’s face in the second panel…I…o_0

Me, I like the way her claws popped out. What a cool tail she’s got! I think this is the first really good look we’ve gotten of it.

(That’s Rhonda’s claws, not Lee’s) :)

I second that with Lee. I can’t stop noticing it. o-o

Yeah, his eyes got a little weird there, but I love that smile on his face. He’s going to enjoy watching someone rattle his mum this way.

It appears to me to be one of those ‘Trying hard not to burst out laughing, because it would ruin the moment.’ faces. He’s definitely enjoying the conversation and topic though. Figure it’s rare he gets to hear and/or say the things they are since he’s still under her wing and would have to put up with whatever hell she’d put him through as punishment. XD

Let’s leave the “shedding entire body parts” stuff off-panel. I eat donuts reading this strip sometimes! Does Ike keep the parts in a medicine cabinet like Seth Brundle?

I remember when movie werewolves stopped just growing hair and teeth like the Wolfman and started transforming by ripping bloodily out of their human skins. Bleh!

Ever see the 2010-ish remake of “Wolfman” with Benicio del Toro? The theatrical edition was kinda lame, but the director’s cut rounded out the film’s runtime with essential character moments and less censorship of the wolfy rampage sequences, and was thus a very good monster movie. I like how the filmmakers blended CGI with practical effects whenever they could. It made the film a lot more convincing and fun to watch. Also, Anthony Hopkins is awesome. Also, “American Werewolf in London” had an awesome transformation sequence; much slower and a little bit more personal than the transformation scene in “Wolfman”, though. Depends on whether you’re in the mood for straight-up gothic horror (“Wolfman”) or comedy-horror with a twist of gory wolf nomming (“AWiL”).

Let’s claim rule 34 from the those people. Let’s make rule 34 mean: if it exists, there is probably an aspect that you would rather not see.

We’re going to have a heap of outraged those people if we start posting Ike transformation sequences to their boards, but anything that they have leaked is justification enough.

I just love how she says that the hatred others feeds her with a glee that is both goodly satisfying and very terrifying . Somehow I’m having no trouble imagining these 2 with kids, lots and lots of kids with many of the same quirks Ike and Rhonda.

I think the third panel will be one of the few times Ike doesn’t complain about being called “Petrus”.
I love Rhonda’s description of why they’re dating.

Yup, panel 3 is chock full of great… Ike’s cheesy grin and head tilt, Rhonda’s expression and pose, Petrus sneaking by without comment and a great description of how the bar scene was followed up by a woman who was not going to accept “No” without a very good reason… and No, Ike…”I’m just too miserable and grumpy!” wasn’t going to cut it for Rhonda.

“We’re dating because I put you in a headlock until you said ‘yes’.”

I knew it! >:=)>


Rhonda: Now who’s spoiling the mood? Go oooon, change back… let’s see that pelt come off again!

Ike: You are enjoying this way too much, and it’s creeping me out – especially you filming it…

Rhonda: Can’t a girl enjoy watching her crafting material being produced? One more pelt and I’ll be able to make a floor-length fur cape! Cruelty-free genuine fur, Ike! Of course I’m happy! And I’ll need the footage as proof of that for when I start selling it! I’ll be able to set up a shop here! We could call it… “The Clothes-Horse”! :=3

Ike: *rolls eyes* And she calls it cruelty-free… :=(

…Yeesh. Based on things other characters have said, it probably hurts him to shift. He doesn’t necessarily lose the skin with the fur. Also, since it’s a physical transformation, he’s losing actual mass. If he shifts a lot, he probably has to eat a lot more to make up for it. Not to mention the level of glee in recording it seems kind of creepy.

Hmm, I’m curious about the whole shedding body parts thing too. I don’t think I noticed anything weird when he was changing his hands back when we first saw him.

His hands were being kept in their mid form, Anima.
In Exchanges, Heartaches page 17 you see the tops of his hands. Skin, fingernails, and a small amount of webbing. Mid way on page 18, you see the underside of his hands. Paw pads, and claws, and the pink colouration is slowly moving to cover them. By the end of the page, the pink colouration has covered them, but not yet the fur.
So all that would likely drop off is fingernails.

Reading the archives again, and loving it…
I get this feeling Lee, Cyan, and probably Horace will all come to really like Rhonda…
Ike and Rhonda are easily my favorite characters. I feel I’d get along with them famously.

I get the notion that “Ike & Rhonda” would be the greatest TV show of all time…
This scene in particular.
Out of curiosity, the Characters page says Rhonda busks, and Ike is in a band…
What instruments do they play, and is Rhonda in a band, too?
I’d buy an album.

Rhonda plays the violin. She’s seen in front of the food mart when Lily is on her way to buy honey in “The Bugbear Talisman”. She may play other instruments as well, but the only one we know for sure is the violin.

As for Ike, he’s one of the members of “The Boney Kings of Nowhere”. It’s only a four-man band, and Alec Hyde is the bassist. Given his skill with electronics, I’d lay odds that Ike plays either the synthesizer or lead guitar, but as far as I can recall, we’ve never found out.

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