I’m back from VanCAF! Thanks for everyone who stopped by!
My Endlings Pins kickstarter ends in FIVE DAYS! If you want to get in on these great pins, now is your chance!
I’m back from VanCAF! Thanks for everyone who stopped by!
My Endlings Pins kickstarter ends in FIVE DAYS! If you want to get in on these great pins, now is your chance!
While a mirror is a sweet portal, I still think something less fragile would make for a better portal in general.
If a mirror is actually a portal, it might be less fragile
Not necessarily. Because of the need for secrecy, in the event of discovery, the portal can be easily destroyed, trapping any intruders inside.
Did anyone else see the TV miniseries “The Tenth Kingdom” about twenty years ago? (It’s available on DVD now.) Magic mirrors were central to that story, as was their fragility.
Yes and I absolutely *love* that mini series. Had it on VHS. Watched it so many times.
Ah! Yes! A shame they didn’t continue it.
I was wondering if you can use any mirror, thanks Jimmy..
It does make me wonder whose mirror, Charles Dodgson, was able to access.
I get the feeling that he fell down through the Rabbit hole.
For what he wrote for the first book, maybe.
But how did he learn of how mirrors are used to get to and from Wonderland?
He fell into a rabbit hole and was escorted out through a mirror.
Mirror mirror by the wall where is the Avalon for them all? ;D
This makes me so happy. I always feel that the second book never gets enough love. <3
I have a feeling that first ‘rabbit’ might have gotten a talking to for letting someone (a human!) into Wonderland…
It is fun seeing Mama Finn in playful mom mode.
Just saying, looking at the face on the fifth panel… I think the boy just snapped… :D
Mary is *very* grateful that her son has a *nice* friend, who could be a good influence. She is milking it for as much she can.