New Circle Who Dis. Michelle is soggy again.
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New Circle Who Dis. Michelle is soggy again.
It’s time for a new round of PATREON PIN CLUB! This round is special for the Holidays! Three pins instead of just two! Click here to join!
Cats hate water.
Kind of bold of you to assume that it’s water…
♫Duff Beer for me, Duff Beer for you, I’ll have a Duff, and you have one too!♫
Vera: *poses* I am the Lizard Queen! ;-}
>:=)Simpsons quotes FTW)>
Tigers love water! Unfortunately it appears that sphinxes are based on a lion template, rather than tiger. Poor Michelle!
They don’t. They hate when humans decide to get them wet. But if they decide to get wet on their own accord? Then they’re perfectly fine with water. I’ve know cats who just sat there out in the rain, refusing to get back home, because look human you get showers all the time so why don’t you want me to soak in the rain, you hypocritical biped? Also cats that like to swim.
But if you decide to give them a bath, then it’s a declaration of war, obviously.
Like the Vans.
They literally have the appellation of ‘swimming cat’.
Aside from the issue of whose idea it is, the temperature of the water is /very/ important. Warm is okay. Cold or hot is not.
Well this look like water that you should never swim in.
I love Bloodcarver loafing like a cat. 10/10 loaf
This is exactly what I came to the comments to say. Dragon loaf! Adorable! ^_^
I didn’t know I needed a dragon loaf, and now I need more.
I find the lack of an upvote button for comments disturbing
It’s been road-trippy and no conflict for quite a while…
Sometimes, the conflict in a story can just be character vs. nature (or metaphysical analogy of nature) for a while.
World building!
And we’re finding that Koryverse Hell draws from Dante’s Inferno.
An excellent book, if heavily Gary Stu-ish, loaded with political commentary and rife with revenge porn.
That is a *stark* change… I wonder how this is going to go…
As her flailing about indicates, not so much.
I think part of the issue is the sudden change – looking back at the last comic, the terrain basically changes immediately underfoot. Tough to swim gracefully if you were expecting to step onto solid ground.
Dragon loaf! Dragon loaf!
Next we get a look at the Shades. Probably when some of the Wrathful try to swarm the boat.
That explains the boat.
I assume that the purple blobs are the shades of the Sullen.
That is hecking adorable. XD
They have reached the 5th Circle which is supposed to have angry people fighting in the water. Glad they are on the boat. I am most worried about the 7th Circle which is full of violent criminals.
Not just angry people. Angry and the sullen.
But as the other two circles showed, as long as they stay on the path, they’re safe. I mean, they didn’t get squashed by any giant boulders of gold, right?
Seven has murderers, but remember that it’s also the violent against self, nature and God.
The suicides, the usurers, the blasphemers and the sodomites.
Dead People! You’re soaking in it!
*cue Palmolive Soap theme*
I wonder where the shades of the dead sphinx have been stashed by the Mistress.
jeez michelle quit rockin the boat
If you’re furry, and hate being wet, it does help to be able to make the fur disappear.
Well, Vera’s making up for not pushing.
A bit.
I’m here for Michelle’s Inferno. It’s been a fascinating ride thus far.
Bloodcarver looks verycute
Is Vera just changing scale colors on a whim?
The idea that Bloodcarver in the first panel is still seeing the world from the previous zone when Michelle falls in tickles me.
Random thought – I can really tell that Michele is comfortable with her forms now. She’s human when she hits the water, mid-form when she gets out (using her claws to assist), and then full human again when on the boat. Quick changes, and probably something she didn’t even think about.
Just a thought, but it’s possible that as a lock, they needed a human (or at least, mostly human) to push the boat to make it push through to the next level. It would explain why Michele had to push.
When Michelle collapsed face-down and said, “I’m okay,” my mind insisted on following it with, “…Less okay!”