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2020 Reader Questions 38

2020 Reader Questions 38 published on 21 Comments on 2020 Reader Questions 38

To be fair to Merial, any species that has The Beans gets this reaction from people who do not possess The Beans.

It’s September and that means the Patreon Pin Club is open to new patrons! If you’re new to the pin club, Every three months I mail out two exclusive enamel pins, at least one sticker, and maybe some extra goodies! I actually already have the pins for this round of Pin Club, it will be Mikhail Grim and Myra Reinkemeyer! They’ll go out in the mail in November! You can get more information over on Patreon!


Is Oz an Avalon along the lines of Wonderland?

So if a dragon had cat-like feet, would it have baked beans?

I assume that since doctors are so rare in Avalons, the same is true for dentists – has lack of ready access to dental care made things like gold teeth common among the magic folk?
I know a guy with two silver teeth and a gold one, and I’m honestly suspicious he might secretly be something other than human.

BEEEEEEEEEEEAAAANS!!! They are utterly irresistible to poke at.

Do nonhumans ever go prank the humans by being “accidentally seen” as cryptids? Man, I would totally do that, especially if I was one of the larger cats. All those ‘black panthers’ that are seen in the UK and North America? Jellical Cats plus a little temporary hairdye to cover the white bits. “So what’d you do Saturday night for fun?” “Gave New Jersey a new cryptid sighting.”

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