Skin Deep won’t be returning for awhile still, but work is being done on it! Thanks again for ALL your patience these past several months!!
Skin Deep won’t be returning for awhile still, but work is being done on it! Thanks again for ALL your patience these past several months!!
We can DEFINITELY be patient waiting Kory
This year has been very busy for you despite Skin Deep being on hiatus
Honestly, I kinda want to see a “who-can-be-the-most-patient” battle, but it probably would never end judging by every one’s reactions. Also, good luck Kory!
I’m curious, what RPGs does the mythic community like and which ones do they feel are insensitive?
Also, if any of the main cast could design a game, what would its aesthetics and premise be?
Well we already know Alec hates D&D
Traveler, obviously.
Re-reading this question, I’m reminded of a cartoon in an old D&D book: a group of characters are sitting around a table playing Papers & Paychecks, about students and workers in an industrial society.
well atleast its better then no progress at all. cant wait to read it :).
Take your time, this comic is always worth the wait!
Are there any pookas in the Liverpool Avalon? Do they need medallions? What are they like?
Fifth panel (the one outside Queen Anne’s Books); the giant rabbit is a Pooka.
are there Minotaurs in the Skin Deep-verse?
Looking forward to the new chapter; happy writing!
Tsuchinoko canon?
Hey the reader questions are tiding me over just fine! Keep at it girl!
We are patient. :-) But thanks for posting this. :-)
Good to know.
What kind of relationships have mythical races had with mundane domestic animals? Pre-automobile did satyrs ride horses? Do many gryphons keep dogs, or are the Finns weird?
Hey Kory, is the new site going to have a fanart section?
Thanks for the answer.
I expect it to be a blast, acording it to take this long. Must gonna be a huge thing.
That’s ok, You’ve been on Hiatus for a lot shorter time than Eth’s Skin has been.. still wondering when she’s going to resume. I hope she’s doing ok, I’m a little worried for her.
I can’t wait to see all the stuff you have planned! (I mean, you did plan it right? You’re, not, like, making it up as you go?)
I know lovable, and most best girl ever, Martha has stuck around to stay with her family. Are there other spectral pets that stayed behind? Ghost kitten pile!
I know I’ve asked it before, but could I see an afghan hound guy done in your art style please?
Best of luck, Mz. Bing! And thank you for these fun reader Qs!