This is the last Reader Question of 2018! Skin Deep will finally return on January 1st! Have a great end of 2018, and here’s to 2019!!
This is the last Reader Question of 2018! Skin Deep will finally return on January 1st! Have a great end of 2018, and here’s to 2019!!
Dang, almost a year of reader questions. Can’t wait to see where the next story takes us, but if these sweaters are of any indication it seems it’ll be chock full of high-end fashion.
OMG thanks for the response!
dang that is a nice shirt greg!
Man I cant wait to see the next story, what do you think it will be about? A sequal for Illumination? Or something completely different?
I really want to see this pic in colour, as a Skin Deep Christmas card
[imagines the coloration for a moment]
Would it come complete with protective sunglasses? >;->
Happy Holidays!
Whoa Michelle in midform!
In that pose, she looks like Gabe a bit.
Not really a question, but I appreciate it all the same. Merry Christmas, or whatever you guys celebrate around the planet. I’m pulling for you in 2019. Do something spectacular, my fellow readers, and make this world awesome!
Heh.. first I thought that this was the abominable snow yeti from Ski Free, but looking at it’s design… well.. it ain’t.
Would be a fun sweater tho.
Perhaps it’s the Momo
the Christmas MoMo in white fur
Yay! Comic is coming back! I’ve enjoyed and deeply appreciated all the reader questions but this is the best Christmas present I could ask for!
I almost kinda hope we focus on some different characters, like in exchanges.
Because of course Jim would be wearing the most garish festive sweater imaginable. :)
Merry Christmas all! I’ll be looking forward to the new comic pages coming soon!
(Love the holiday sweaters by the way, it’s hard to say which one I like the best.)
So I’m curious if there are any hybrids that resemble dragons? If so, do they ever have troubles because of their appearance or do they enjoy resembling strong creatures from history? Could we see an example of such a hybrid?
A resumption! It IS Christmas! Thank you!
Hey Kory if you ever do decide to do an animated series for skindeep, I would like to try out as a voice actor. Thanks for all the great reader questions this year and see you next year.
Love and hugs.
Cant say i wouldn’t like an animated skindeep series…
YEEEEEEEEEEES. Happy Hollidays.
Yesyesyesyes.. I dance the dance of Joyous Anticipation!
Man December feels like is just dragging on and on
Ravi, India is big, which part are you from?
Those jolly, jolly mythicals!