I love these Reader Questions because sometimes I just like to go wild and make up a full-on character. I like this girl. She’s a kickboxer. Those things on her legs are rooster shoes, they protect others from getting gouged by spurs!
I love these Reader Questions because sometimes I just like to go wild and make up a full-on character. I like this girl. She’s a kickboxer. Those things on her legs are rooster shoes, they protect others from getting gouged by spurs!
She looks like a mixed martial artist. But I like it. I wonder if a kangaroo totem would be able to beat her.
Whoever wins, you can guarantee that it’ll be a sold out fight on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY AT THE THUNDERDOME AVALON
I like her! She needs a gym in an Avalon where she can train our heroes.
You mean like Chiron the centaur from Greek mythology?
What does Ike’s full form look like?
*fangirl screaming*
YOU ANSWERED MY QUESTION!!! also,kickboxing? I.Love.That.
it would be a PERFECT job for a hippalectreyon.
Are there any species that are not allowed in an avalon? Would an avalon allow in a species they can’t identify?
Are there any Menehune or other Polynesian Legendaries in the Skin Deep universe?
Why do I want to quote Monty Python’s “Beautiful plumage”?
Also, I’ve never heard of this creature before. Is very neat.
I love her.
I love her so much.
I had no idea there ever was any such thing as a hippalectreyon. But there’s even a wiki page on that beastie—one which was established back in 2009! Kinda nifty…
I think if I had noticed them in the past, I assumed they were just another winged horse, this one with a particularly spectacular tail, and didn’t look further. The legs of a rooster are a fascinating addition though, one I shall have to consider for a bit.
This particular character seems irrationally cool to me… I am going to see if I can’t try to use her for my next D&D/Pathfinder character!
Does medallion magic cover non-clothes items like headphones/earbuds when an individual changes form? or do they need a customized set for each form? Wearable audio tech wouldn’t work on any full form that has its ears in a different place than a human.
Don’t know if this has been asked: Are instincts a thing among the magical community? What sorts of problems do they cause?
OMG she needs her own arc!