Ike gets his shapeshifting from his buggane side, and bugganes don’t have this issue when shapeshifting. Ike’s mom thinks it’s just because he’s bad at shapeshifting, but Ike reasons he’s lucky he can shapeshift at all.
Hey check it out! It’s time for the next round of Patreon Pin Club! This quarter’s theme is Wonderland! If you join the club today and stay on through May, you’ll get these two pins and also a sticker sheet in the mail! Click here for more information!
Wow, that looks like a pretty good deal: no dentist trips, no risk of obesity.
…and no split ends, if the human hair is pushed out to make way for fur.
…and no manicure – how do the nails know when to stop growing?
“Welp, time to work out. I think I’ll do 2 Full Shift Reps, then get something to eat.”
Leg day gets a whole knew meaning x’D
Hey Ike, Is there a *market* for [leftover] teeth that can bite through anything? What about your deadly tail-bits (if those don’t get reabsorbed)? Could you run any side-hustles here? Unsavory though the trade of such items might appear….?
Also you never did follow through and bite Lorne’s arm. The internet still wants to see what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
iirc wasn’t it mentioned that his girlfriend Rhoda has been collecting his hair for craft projects?
that said, i’m sure that there probably is a market for such stuff, but whether ike is willing to sell it?
Those teeth that he occasionally sheds have potential industrial or artisanal value. They could dramatically outperform wimpy carbide-tipped blades.
What does Ike’s full form look like?
Here’s two RQs for you:
Ok that uh…that…
Dude. Poor Ike o.o Idk how that long neck functions with a carnivore’s head, or how things would balance as he walks. Horses + cats have different modes of locomotion/bendy-stretchy bone structures on top of that.
Gryphons and other hybridized creatures seem to make it work. I think it boils down to ‘magic creates a viable creature, one way or another’.
and here:
Last hybrid question because you’re seriously spoiling me over here. (Sincerely thank you, these really made my day.) But what would a hypothetical child between Lily snodgrass and Alex hyde look like, and what manner of unholy shenanigans would they wreak?