Sorry for the delay! I had a fun but exhausting VanCAF and wasn’t able to color this page until today! Thank you for your patience!
Also! Don’t forget to go to your local comic book store today and pick up a copy of the Adventure Time Annual! It features a comic collaboration between Sfé Monster and I about the Lemongrabs! Here’s a preview:
Gabe, you’re a real charmer.
Awww~ Gabe is so adorable!
I don’t even thing a shotgun would help when fighting demons….
Not if you’re using rocksalt it won’t. :P
It’ll sting like a bitch either way.
Maybe the rounds are iron or Blessed Silver- YOU DON’T KNOW!
Guarding against demons with a shotgun is exactly as useful as holding the coat. It just isn’t as obvious.
They also serve who stand and hold an Angel’s coat…
Knowing what will happen makes this comment REALLY funny.
Poor Eustace the Useless. :(
somehow, I think Eustace is going to surprise everyone by saving the day in the end ;)
Eustace gets to hold the magical portal coat? I see hi-jinks in the future!
Gabe cracks me up. I do love that snarky angels. XD
Eager fox becomes sad fox so quickly….. Gabe, your lack of people skills is confirmed… “Eustace, you can be my coat rack”…… still, it is a pretty cool coat, with great coats comes great responsibility??….
The polite version would have been “Here, take my coat. Once Henry managed to shoot something [which he won’t], and you’re SURE it’s down, pin it and drape the coat over it so that it may absorb the residual magic [or something].”
– “Go back and talk to the Dogpatchers and see if you can calm them down. Them being agitated like that helps no-one – least of all me. You’re way better at the interpersonal stuff than I am… Oh, and if you could hang onto my coat while I’m down there…”
KORY, serious face, Does skin deep abide by taxonomical rules or is it all rainbows and disorder everywhere?
“Oy, look, it’s all super-advanced magic and I can’t explain it because I really have no idea how it works.” – Jim
(Page 80 of “Orientations,” and it works best if you can see his expression.)
Shorter version: “Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.”
And that works just fine for me. Bought both books (hardcopy) and waiting for more.
Hey… I’d hold Gabe’s coat. But Gabe better not get pissed if I start poking around for that whole dimensional pocket thing… LOL
this is a very important job Eustace. only you can do it.
Well, it is a magic coat… There’s that.
So, in regards to the collaboration… when life gives you lemons, make a comic?
His disappointed face in that last panel is too cute