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Hello, Goodbye 7: Smile, Dammit!

Hello, Goodbye 7: Smile, Dammit! published on 56 Comments on Hello, Goodbye 7: Smile, Dammit!

Oh snap, Ike! You done been Free Drink’d! Don’t get too freaked out here. I know you’re not used to it. Hey look, it’s that girl we saw two years ago at the start of Exchanges. Welp. That’s finally paying off! I wish I could draw faster.

It should be mentioned that Ike, the Bohemian Lion (her name is Rhonda, if you care for Fun Facts), and even her little lamia friend next to her and the black-haired satyr were all originally created by Sheana Molloy. And Anthony, as always, was created by Sfé Monster!


Maybe I’m reading too much into the precise wording of the request, but the word is “smile”, not grin. Ike doesn’t have to show his teeth. Not that this would scare Rhonda – she must have identified his ancestry. Now, we have to ask ourselves, does Ike swing in her direction (he certainly doesn’t look overcome with desire), or will things get awkward? We haven’t seen anything relating to his romantic preferences (or even if it’s “n/a”). Come to that, we haven’t actually seen him smile yet… might he be out of practice?

“Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz smiled very slowly. This was done not so much for effect as because he was trying to remember the sequence of muscle movements.”

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Then again maybe Rhonda has no amorous intent, but is simply having a laugh.

Rhonda: That manticore fellow there, is he, like, part centaur?

Abigail: Buggane. His name’s Ike, by the way.

Rhonda: Does he ever smile?

Abigail: Well, now… …now that you come to ask, I don’t ever recall it.

Rhonda: What do you think might make him smile?

Abigail: Um… Guinness?

But where would storytelling and fandom be without the tangle of relationships, so:

Rhonda: Who’s the feathered fellow with him?

Abigail: Name’s Tony. He turned earlier today, spontaneous, like. We’re not sure what or how.

Rhonda: Hey, that’s it – I saw him with his friend, the stag who’s drumming. Hmmm, I wonder what being held by those composite wingarms of his would be like.

Abigail: (to herself) Like having a tacky drag artist attached to you. (to Rhonda) Don’t get any ideas, love, he’s still pretty shaken up with everything.

Rhonda: (to herself) Says you. (to Abigail, fishing in purse) Alright then, a pint for the morose manticore on condition that he cracks a smile.

Oh man…Ike’s “Wha…?” face and what he is wearing for some reason just reminded me of my neighbor, Fish. (Who is actually a person…not a fish). I kind of imagine this is what my neighbor would look like if someone bought him a drink.

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