Ravi do you even need to eat why are you so keen on dinner. Focus on what’s important here: Greg smells like grass, apparently.
Edit: Yo friends let’s try to steer away from the ol’ disk horse on this update, okay? For me.
Ravi do you even need to eat why are you so keen on dinner. Focus on what’s important here: Greg smells like grass, apparently.
Edit: Yo friends let’s try to steer away from the ol’ disk horse on this update, okay? For me.
Well so far she seems okay. I still think she’s gonna be messed up in the head for while though.
Goddamnit Ravi
I can’t tell if you’re being original or plagiarizing the Wilde Life comments.
Just headbutt him anyway, Greg. It can only improve the situation at this point.
Deja vu.
Awe jeez let’s not start the shipwreck from last page again…
Not sure if its just me, but the lines on the last few pages seem mm. less. sharp than usual ? oh, the contrast seems to be lower would be a better way to phrase it. maybe the site is resizing things differently or something ?
idk if its just me, ignore me thanks.
Anyone else think Michele’s eyes are gonna stay glowing in her sphinx form from now on? Not sure how I feel about that if that’s the case.
That seems to be the ordinary way Sphinx eyes are in full form and midform.
Poor Michelle.
Also, are the scroll over remarks not working for anyone else?
This comic had mouse over text? I don’t remember that.
I haven’t done alt-text for awhile. Can’t think of anything funny to add.
Mouse over text – “When’s dinner?”
The most important question of all! When’s dinner. 3
I dunno, Ravi’s been insufferable for a while, and most readers have been turned so viciously against him. Now things they would have liked about his exuberant personality are reviled. Interesting how arbitrary decisions of favor can alter one’s perceptions of the same things.
I try to stay honest with myself. Ravi can still be amusing and fun, when not being an insufferably pompous know it all, so that last panel, to me, is a return to the enjoyable Ravi. ^_^
Well now that we know Michele is okay things should calm down.
To me, the last panel is not a return to an enjoyable Ravi.
To me, the last panel is a continuation of the uncaring immortal being Ravi.
All the Finns and Merial would be more concerned about Michelle’s well being than dinner. Ravi is too uncomprehending of mortal behaviour to realise that.
I’m choosing to interpret his fixation on dinner as failing to explain that the newly-empowered sphinxling is gonna be heckin’ FAMISHED after unlocking her power… and he didn’t think to EXPLAIN it.
In the last frame of the previous page, Ravi says, “If I had known that I would have tried to explain myself better!” Here on this page, yet again, we have Ravi NOT even thinking of trying to attempt to explain things better, so that mere mortals might understand. The entirety of this page would likely take place at most a minute after he’d said that on the previous page.
As an adult, when you explain something to a child, it’s hard sometimes to explain something especially when it’s kinda above them. Sometimes they even seem to get it, yet they don’t, and they get mad at you for not explaining it better.
Like Greg is yelling, “What does that mean?!” even though Ravi is explaining it as it is – he doesn’t realize that without the context of what happened in the caves or that the knowledge that all sphinxes share their power and knowledge, it’s confusing what he is saying. So for me, he’s not insufferable at all – he’s just not good at realizing that people are missing tons of context that he has when he says things.
He’s not uncaring, he just doesn’t see the point of worrying when he knows that this process SHOULDN’T hurt her, so why worry. It’s a part of her being coming back to her.
As mortals we worry when we’re unsure, and we are used to showing empathy even if there’s nothing we can do.
It’s what you say about how the Sphinxes shared their power, and how now, Michelle has ALL of it, that Ravi has not explained to Greg.
Even though explaining that to Greg would not change how Michelle is, at least then, Greg would understand better why Michelle is quite out of it.
But see, he doesn’t REALIZE that would help.
You tell a child for the first time 1 + 1 is 2. It’s so simple to you, and it makes total sense, and you don’t think you need any other context. But a child might not get the concept, and you just get frustrated because you don’t know know what context they’re missing, or what concept is not clicking.
Though with your child, you have an interest in making sure they understand. Someone else’s child, you may not want to invest as much in making sure they understand (as in, it’s not as important to you for them to get the whole picture).
Yeah he’s a very old immortal, but that’s how he sees mortals, and it’s hard for him to see how others see it.
I guess my two-year-old and 12-year-old give me some perspective XD
On the other hand, he also reminds me of myself when trying to explain something about computers to my parents. A few months ago my mother called and asked me how to move her pictures from her iPad to an external hard drive – easy, right?
Cue twenty straight minutes of me going “Just drag and drop – no, click and hold, /hold/ down the left mouse – and then drag – yes, just drag it – you know what, mom, just get someone to do it for you.”
The problem, Karigana, is that Ravi is once again DOING this not attempting to explain, less than 1 minute after saying, “If I had known that I would have tried to explain myself better!”
What kind of grass does Greg smell like Michelle? :-)
As always, Kory, thank you for drawing and writing your terrific comic! I love it and can’t wait to buy the actual book!
Awesome Page; but now i need to wait another week before i can see how it’s going to continue
Receiving untold magic powers sure works up an appetite.
How would you know? Your not a sphinx or are you?
Oi. Don’t discriminate; sphinxes aren’t the only kind to receive magic. And don’t question what people are, since A) Talking about RL violates net etiquette, and B) You don’t know what universe someone is communicating from.
I was just joking Eash get a sense of humor.
In terms of point A, talking about RL doesn’t even touch nettiquite. RL stuff often comes up in discussions.
As for point B, it’s a case of applying a classic net saying, “Proof, or it never happened.”
Pretty sure Bubblekin was also joking.
Greg’s worry over Michelle is so cute <3
Lucky for him Michelle seems fine. Always a pleasure to see a new page has been posted! I always jump right over to read.
Michelle and Ravi both made me laugh quite a bit over this page.
Michelle, for her insistent repeating that “Greg smells like grass” (the first time is when Bloodcarver let her go), and Ravi for being basically me: “FOOD TIME ALREADY.”
(And then Michelle does this too!)
Methinks I’ll get along great with those two. The three of us would be happy just eating and eating delicious food. :D
Ravi somehow reminds me of myself when I was younger.
I wasn’t the insufferable know-it-all (except about computers) when I was younger… but to this day my mother still has no idea why I’m not as big around the middle as Mario Batali.
I still remember going to the doctor when I was 12 (that was over 30 years ago) and the doctor filled out a prescription and told mom “remember, he needs to take this pill 2 hours before he eats.”
Her reply: “Doctor, that won’t work. It’s never two hours before he eats!” (I had a hyperactive metabolism when I was young.)
What’s a disk horse?
Discourse (n) written or spoken communication.
Stay away. (?)
In some circles of the internet “discourse” has become the favored term for what was once commonly known as “fan wank,” discussions that generate a great deal more heat than light. Last week’s comment section is a good example. It’s not fun for anyone and can discourage people from participating in the comment section at all. As such, it’s best if people consider if their comments might come across as inflammatory before posting.
Thanks for the explanation everyone! Now that I’ve checked last page’s comments section I see what you mean
I thought she ment meant Discord.
Loving angry Greg in panel 3. Thanks Kory.
The way that panel of Greg’s frustration is sandwiched between the panels of his complete concern for Michelle, makes its impact all the more solid.
I love concerned boyfriend Greg.
And Michelle’s right. The world makes more sense when you aren’t trying to figure things out on an empty stomach.
Love how Michelle strokes Gregs beard. These two have been loveley together since the start of this comic <3
‘Disk horse’? Wilde Life? Did I miss something?
Well Wilde Life is a different web comic. You should check it out, it’s pretty good.
I’m familiar with the comic. It’s one of my faves. I’m just confused as to why people were bringing it up here.
Yes, is very good comic. Most of us are diversely ingrained in dozens if not hundreds of other webcomics, and oftentimes there is a large overlap in readers between comics. Plus comic artists themselves have a spiderweb of connections with each other, to the point that you will sometimes see one comic author making a cameo in the comments section of another comic.
As much as Ravi’s beating-around-the-bush attitude annoys me, his last line on this page did make me laugh x3
Love the arts on this page! Those first two panels in particular :)
Poor Ravi… even when he’s trying to explain something important, no one is listening. At least not Panicked Greg.
Soooo….. are sphinxes basically super high when accessing the magical ancestoral memory
I don’t think so. It was mentioned that the power was evenly distributed between the Sphinxes, but since Michelle is the last one, she’s getting all of the power that used to be split up amongst hundreds of Sphinxes. So it makes sense she’d be out of it and overloaded.
Michelle is the last one to access a Sphinx power source, since the Sphinxes went into Hiding.
What unturned Spinxes there have been since going into Hiding, did not have access to a power source, or any education on Sphinx powers and abilities. Remember that Michael did not even know what the Medallion in the case was, only that it was a Family Heirloom that had to be kept safe for Good Luck.
So the questions are what were the other power sources that the other Sphinxes could access prior to and during The Great War, and what befell those power sources.
What I am thinking is that if Michelle had access to all those other power sources, on top of her sole access to ALL the power of the Sphinx race, that would likely move her up to being almost god-like in power and ability.
Okay. While Ravi certainly doesn’t win charmer of the year, I really think Greg is being a bit over-hostile. Ravi didn’t do anything to Michelle. He’s explained what’s happening to her a third time now. It makes sense. But I can get why Greg is overreacting and taking his fear out in hostility. Totally natural. I guess we may see Michelle’s eyes glow all the time now except when she is in human form. What an interesting character change.
Heh, Ravi’s last line is pretty funny.
Hopefully once everyone calms down and there is food, Ravi will explain properly.
Apparently receiving the combined powers of the sphinx race has side effects indistinguishable from marijuana intoxication.
In other words: she’s high as a kite right now, isn’t she?
I was thinking the exact same thing
I wonder, what would happen if Donald Trump would find out about the mythic community?
Hunting season and bounties.
I doubt it very much that Trump would be interested in that. At the current time in the story, Trump is busy in the US, promoting season 4 of his unreality TV show, The Apprentice.
Dubbya, Blair, and Howard, on the other paw though…
Those three going off their heads at learning of the existence of the Mythical Community and opening an unlimited hunting season… Yes, I can all too easily see that.
Please don’t bait.
y’know what, Ravi is for once making an excellent point. Having this information overload must have Michelle using a lot of energy. Some food would do her some good.
People really need to calm down.
Ravi is being pretty crystal clear, here, considering- he’s said she’ll be fine and that she’s adjusting. That Greg is too worried to take that answer at face value isn’t Ravi’s fault.
Well, at least her eyes aren’t smoking anymore.
And the return of the “You smell like grass” line. Where did that come from, again?
That is because her eyes are currently closed.
You can still see the glow from her eyes, around and in her eye sockets and through her eyelids.
Way back in the first story, Michelle was captured and ultimately released by a dragon called the Bloodcarver. While Greg was holding her after her release, she blearily told Jimothy that Greg smelled like grass.
EDIT: I just noticed that, as it turns out, the picture used for the Orientations link in the right sidebar of this page is from that point in the story.
Question: Does the last panel refer to what is on everyone’s mind? Like, everyone is subconsciously wanting dinner, so she asks that question. We’ll find that out next week I’m sure.
wish i had a goaty grass-smelling bf
Meal preparation would be easy and you wouldn’t have to worry about poisoning them accidentally.
Did anyone else notice that there was no food on the table at the beginning of the chapter even though we say all of the characters that weren’t in the tunnels heading for the table?
Second last panel of chapter 1, page 44.
Mary calls everyone to dinner.
Odds on, it was to be dished up at the table. However I rather think that dinner has been delayed.
Thanks for the confirmation Jeni.