And we’re back in the “present”! I hope the time jumps aren’t too hard to follow.
Jim don’t look so enthusiastic about the story.
And yay new page!
Was is a crow? Or was it a Ravin?
No. Go to the pun corner and think about what you’ve done
I keep thinking his little brother should really be falling over and finding those shoes hugely uncomfortable, since he has never worn any before!
I laughed, that was great, congrats.
Oh joy, we’re back with Ravi.
The crow in the second panel looks tremendously more derpy than in the first. It’s hilarious to me.
So… Ravi is everything? If he is whatever form he takes, then, technically, he is EVERYTHING … He should probably be feared, but he doesn’t care about any of that.
Jimmy’s pose. Same bro, same
Historically, the Yaksha are nature spirits. That’s probably obvious in hindsight, since the “Finn Curse” so far is the power to control fire, water, or plants (earth).
In terms of power, depending on whose literature you are reading, they are sometimes as powerful as gods, or just one step down from that. In Buddhist literature, for example, they are essentially the Gods’ Secret Service… that is to say, the bodyguards *of* the gods. That should tell you everything you need to know about just how powerful Ravi really is.
For everyone who was saying that the bird was Ravi, we called it.
They’re more like the Indian version of classic european fey. Which, depending on the source and the fey in question, may as well have been gods.
In the last pannel, his right hand looks like a wing.
Not sure if intentional, but awesome nontheless
Oh joy. Ravi is, as expected, making the story about himself. Again.
I know huh?
Is he going to pull a Wesley crusher and become a superbeing as a student? truly, Ravi must have tried super hard to be quiet as a bird, since he doesn’t shut up now!
I’m really enjoying your comic. Is there a way to make a one-time donation besides Patreon?
Yaksha, huh.
That must be why he yaks on so much.
His name apparantly is Ravi Yakshalot
I like Colin’s human form.
Jim does not look as enthusiastic as Colin about all this. Then again, maybe he’s just sore that he got years of bullying for his curse/gift and Colin gets to just be special. I’d be a bit sore too.
Either that, or he’d rather be out spending time with his friends like Lorne and Merial, or making certain Michelle and Greg are okay.
You know in Greek mythology all things came from the earth mother Gaea which makes everyone an earth spirit. But there where something’s that made you truly an earth spirit like if you had magical powers. If you didn’t then you would be a regular mortal. Also there many different types of earth spirits. So I guess I have said way to much but I still need to ask. Isn’t there of Ravi’s people somewhere or is he the last of them like Michael and her long lost cousin are for the Spinx’s?
Jim don’t look so enthusiastic about the story.
And yay new page!
Was is a crow? Or was it a Ravin?
No. Go to the pun corner and think about what you’ve done
I keep thinking his little brother should really be falling over and finding those shoes hugely uncomfortable, since he has never worn any before!
I laughed, that was great, congrats.
Oh joy, we’re back with Ravi.
The crow in the second panel looks tremendously more derpy than in the first. It’s hilarious to me.
So… Ravi is everything? If he is whatever form he takes, then, technically, he is EVERYTHING … He should probably be feared, but he doesn’t care about any of that.
Jimmy’s pose. Same bro, same
Historically, the Yaksha are nature spirits. That’s probably obvious in hindsight, since the “Finn Curse” so far is the power to control fire, water, or plants (earth).
In terms of power, depending on whose literature you are reading, they are sometimes as powerful as gods, or just one step down from that. In Buddhist literature, for example, they are essentially the Gods’ Secret Service… that is to say, the bodyguards *of* the gods. That should tell you everything you need to know about just how powerful Ravi really is.
For everyone who was saying that the bird was Ravi, we called it.
By definition a Yaksha is a Demi-god.
Not exactly, my google turned up this:
They’re more like the Indian version of classic european fey. Which, depending on the source and the fey in question, may as well have been gods.
In the last pannel, his right hand looks like a wing.
Not sure if intentional, but awesome nontheless
Oh joy. Ravi is, as expected, making the story about himself. Again.
I know huh?
Is he going to pull a Wesley crusher and become a superbeing as a student? truly, Ravi must have tried super hard to be quiet as a bird, since he doesn’t shut up now!
I’m really enjoying your comic. Is there a way to make a one-time donation besides Patreon?
Yaksha, huh.
That must be why he yaks on so much.
His name apparantly is Ravi Yakshalot
I like Colin’s human form.
Jim does not look as enthusiastic as Colin about all this. Then again, maybe he’s just sore that he got years of bullying for his curse/gift and Colin gets to just be special. I’d be a bit sore too.
Either that, or he’d rather be out spending time with his friends like Lorne and Merial, or making certain Michelle and Greg are okay.
You know in Greek mythology all things came from the earth mother Gaea which makes everyone an earth spirit. But there where something’s that made you truly an earth spirit like if you had magical powers. If you didn’t then you would be a regular mortal. Also there many different types of earth spirits. So I guess I have said way to much but I still need to ask. Isn’t there of Ravi’s people somewhere or is he the last of them like Michael and her long lost cousin are for the Spinx’s?