Congratulations! Your Phineas Evolved into Phineas The Red!
Phineas wants to learn FIRE, but has too many moves. Forget IRRESPONSIBILITY to learn FIRE?
Am I the only one who thinks that it looks like Ravi was looking for an ‘on’ button in there? lol
you *red my mind
ba dum thsssssssss
As long as we don’t forget SILLINESS, TOMFOOLERY, or LOYALTY.
In the D&D genera, this is leveling. In the Champions genera, this in an origion adventure.
All joking aside though, kind of a dick move on Ravi’s part to do that without asking or giving any warning.
This kind of shows why this may not have been recorded as a gift, it happened fast and without a lot of prior explanation. Also, how well does Phineas understand what Ravi is? Is he just a “Magic talking bird” or does he understand what type of creature he really is?
Typical Ravi.
Dick moves are kind of Ravi’s wheelhouse. It’s not because he’s actually a dick, but he tends to think everybody’s on the same page he is when they can’t even see the book.
If you look at mythology and religions, even benevolent gods are doing this kind of stuff to people all the time. Look at Job in the Bible, the victim of what was essentially a bar bet.
^ This.
You know, as a Christian, I say… Yeah, that’s pretty accurate!
A lot of people are saying ‘dick’.
He’s so floofy!
Dude, Ravi does not respect people’s bodies AT ALL. Can this please be addressed in the comic? I really feel like he’s getting a pass on something that is fundamentally uncool.
Yeah, Ravi just altered Phineas’ physiology in a way that is going to affect his family line for centuries to come without asking. Before this page, I had always assumed that the Finns had signed up for all of this. I mean, Phineas did sign up for guard duty, but Ravi made some uncomfortably unilateral decisions about what exactly that entails.
I’ve said it before: Ravi’s people are usually described as “nature spirits”, but some myths explicitly describe them as having as much power as a god, or the next step down (in some myths, they were the guardians of the gods. Think “Secret Service” but on a divine level.) From Ravi’s point of view, we might look like a bunch of little ants, even if he does his best not to express that opinion aloud.
If this wasn’t a webcomic, we would all probably be grateful that Ravi is as easy-going as he is. It’s usually a bad idea to call a god, or someone with almost as much power as a god, out on his behavior, no matter how uncool it is. Would you call Ares out on his behavior? Of course not. He’d probably kill you, then kill everyone else in your hometown for fun, then sentence you to eternal torment in Tartarus (which in Roman mythology was a worse place than hell). In Ravi’s case, he’d probably not even care, just like he’s not even acknowledged any of Jim’s complaints.
Something about this made me even LESS okay with Ravi. Like, the juxtaposition of “woah respect people’s boundaries with regards to their own physical body” and “well hey in the comic universe he’s a god or close to it, let him do whatever and just be glad he doesn’t kill you.” I get that the comment I’m replying to is almost certainly looking at the situation from a purely mythos point of view…. but the OP is clearly looking at it from a “people manipulating your own body without your consent” point of view and gosh dang I am just so uncomfortable right now.
In Greek mythology too.
The floof level is over 9000!
Thus the avatar cycle began
And now they no longer need a fire to keep warm at night! They can just ask Phineas to keep his tail burning.
Seriously, though, Ravi? If we thought that present-day-you was thoughtless and impulsive, well, now we know better. Because this-era’s-you is WAY worse. Don’t dump elemental powers on a person! That way horrific fables lie, and they all end with “…and everybody got burned to ashes.”
Also his eyebrows suddenly changed from little dots to little arcs.
Phineas’s face says ” um… Um, what just happened? And why am I not a pile off ashs right now.”
“Ravi. Why.”
Foomph! =O.O=
Much easier than yelling loudly, causing earthquakes and strange weather patterns. Faster, too. Didn’t take three or four pages.
All hair weird hair!
Phineas: Phineas the dragonfire-proof, perchance? ? OVO ?
Today I learned what an Opinicus is. Thanks.
Yes. That’s been talked about before as well, too.
Opinicus = maned griffon.
Look at that fluffy gryphon! He’s so fluffy I could die!
Wow, beautiful last image. And that stunned look is priceless.
And one suddenly understands why Ravi’s kind do not take kindly to any of them meddling with the rest of the world. When you can do anything to everything you end up running rough shoes over everyone, for their own good, because you know best.
I would say that given Phineas’ personality he would probably have accepted the offer of having a magical power to help him protect the egg if Ravi had only asked, and thinking so Ravi just didn’t bother with all the steps of asking and discussing, going straight to the giving. Waiting to see how Phineas is going to react to this.
~I don’t want to set the maaaaane oooon fiiiiiire…~
The rummaging makes me laugh; was there just a switch in the enormous mane that needed to be flipped? Also, Ravi is really, REALLY overstepping the boundaries of friendship here- friends ask friends before bestowing major mythical power upon them, especially when it changes hair color.
Bird!Ravi has evolved to magic-inducing botfly larva!Ravi. >;->
Phineas the fluffiest!
“I didn’t sign up to be a gosh darned POKEMON!”
Not a good idea to sneeze right now, Phineas.
Phineas: I just peed myself.
Jocasta: well this is an interesting turn of events.
Worset: holy cowpies. What the helheim ravi. This has to be the dumbest plan in the history of dumb plans.
Ravi: I assure you my friend that…
Worset: oh no you do not get to say my friend. You have put the face of my kind in the hands of a fool that will probably get the egg stolen in the first five seconds it is out of our site.
Well at least that is what is going through my head of what the next page is going to be like although I am now having a preminison of the total opposite thing happening. Love how the comic is going by the way Kory. Hugs
“face of my kind”??
I meant fate.
FOOMPH!®: Now with more Floof!™
… I notice that, in the last panel, Wosret is NOT standing as close to Phineas as in the first anymore … :-)
Ravi should do haircare/haircolor commercials. Instant color change! So much BODY! Snrk.
So I feel like it was Phineas who told the white dragon she might have a shot at getting an amulet, and also Phineas who knocked over the phoenix egg in the shop while they were gone (he DID have it for seemingly no reason and part of an earlier vision suggested as much, but he also accurately described the dragon.) If that is the case, was Ravi present that night BEFORE the fire or did he show up after? He seems like a fairly constant companion. He might be knowingly breaking the Don’t Interfere rules to give his friend a dramatic way to assuage his guilt. I wonder if that’s why he just DID IT thinking it would be fine rather than it simply being “immortal beings don’t really believe in mortals having bodily autonomy for because Power.”
… that’s an awful lot of loops to go jumping through to only explain and not even -excuse- a butts behavior. Ravi why you gotta be like this
Yes, yes, opinicus, but when do we get to see an enfield? Or even a PROPPA heraldic male gryphon?
I suppose we could hide Phineas’ wings and punk out his mane with gel. Fireproof gel.
Congratulations! Your Phineas Evolved into Phineas The Red!
Phineas wants to learn FIRE, but has too many moves. Forget IRRESPONSIBILITY to learn FIRE?
Am I the only one who thinks that it looks like Ravi was looking for an ‘on’ button in there? lol
you *red my mind
ba dum thsssssssss
As long as we don’t forget SILLINESS, TOMFOOLERY, or LOYALTY.
In the D&D genera, this is leveling. In the Champions genera, this in an origion adventure.
All joking aside though, kind of a dick move on Ravi’s part to do that without asking or giving any warning.
This kind of shows why this may not have been recorded as a gift, it happened fast and without a lot of prior explanation. Also, how well does Phineas understand what Ravi is? Is he just a “Magic talking bird” or does he understand what type of creature he really is?
Typical Ravi.
Dick moves are kind of Ravi’s wheelhouse. It’s not because he’s actually a dick, but he tends to think everybody’s on the same page he is when they can’t even see the book.
If you look at mythology and religions, even benevolent gods are doing this kind of stuff to people all the time. Look at Job in the Bible, the victim of what was essentially a bar bet.
^ This.
You know, as a Christian, I say… Yeah, that’s pretty accurate!
A lot of people are saying ‘dick’.
He’s so floofy!
Dude, Ravi does not respect people’s bodies AT ALL. Can this please be addressed in the comic? I really feel like he’s getting a pass on something that is fundamentally uncool.
Yeah, Ravi just altered Phineas’ physiology in a way that is going to affect his family line for centuries to come without asking. Before this page, I had always assumed that the Finns had signed up for all of this. I mean, Phineas did sign up for guard duty, but Ravi made some uncomfortably unilateral decisions about what exactly that entails.
I’ve said it before: Ravi’s people are usually described as “nature spirits”, but some myths explicitly describe them as having as much power as a god, or the next step down (in some myths, they were the guardians of the gods. Think “Secret Service” but on a divine level.) From Ravi’s point of view, we might look like a bunch of little ants, even if he does his best not to express that opinion aloud.
If this wasn’t a webcomic, we would all probably be grateful that Ravi is as easy-going as he is. It’s usually a bad idea to call a god, or someone with almost as much power as a god, out on his behavior, no matter how uncool it is. Would you call Ares out on his behavior? Of course not. He’d probably kill you, then kill everyone else in your hometown for fun, then sentence you to eternal torment in Tartarus (which in Roman mythology was a worse place than hell). In Ravi’s case, he’d probably not even care, just like he’s not even acknowledged any of Jim’s complaints.
Something about this made me even LESS okay with Ravi. Like, the juxtaposition of “woah respect people’s boundaries with regards to their own physical body” and “well hey in the comic universe he’s a god or close to it, let him do whatever and just be glad he doesn’t kill you.” I get that the comment I’m replying to is almost certainly looking at the situation from a purely mythos point of view…. but the OP is clearly looking at it from a “people manipulating your own body without your consent” point of view and gosh dang I am just so uncomfortable right now.
In Greek mythology too.
The floof level is over 9000!
Thus the avatar cycle began
And now they no longer need a fire to keep warm at night! They can just ask Phineas to keep his tail burning.
Seriously, though, Ravi? If we thought that present-day-you was thoughtless and impulsive, well, now we know better. Because this-era’s-you is WAY worse. Don’t dump elemental powers on a person! That way horrific fables lie, and they all end with “…and everybody got burned to ashes.”
Also his eyebrows suddenly changed from little dots to little arcs.
Phineas’s face says ” um… Um, what just happened? And why am I not a pile off ashs right now.”
“Ravi. Why.”
Foomph! =O.O=
Much easier than yelling loudly, causing earthquakes and strange weather patterns. Faster, too. Didn’t take three or four pages.
All hair weird hair!
Phineas: Phineas the dragonfire-proof, perchance? ? OVO ?
Today I learned what an Opinicus is. Thanks.
Yes. That’s been talked about before as well, too.
Opinicus = maned griffon.
Look at that fluffy gryphon! He’s so fluffy I could die!
Wow, beautiful last image. And that stunned look is priceless.
And one suddenly understands why Ravi’s kind do not take kindly to any of them meddling with the rest of the world. When you can do anything to everything you end up running rough shoes over everyone, for their own good, because you know best.
I would say that given Phineas’ personality he would probably have accepted the offer of having a magical power to help him protect the egg if Ravi had only asked, and thinking so Ravi just didn’t bother with all the steps of asking and discussing, going straight to the giving. Waiting to see how Phineas is going to react to this.
~I don’t want to set the maaaaane oooon fiiiiiire…~
The rummaging makes me laugh; was there just a switch in the enormous mane that needed to be flipped? Also, Ravi is really, REALLY overstepping the boundaries of friendship here- friends ask friends before bestowing major mythical power upon them, especially when it changes hair color.
Bird!Ravi has evolved to magic-inducing botfly larva!Ravi. >;->
Phineas the fluffiest!
“I didn’t sign up to be a gosh darned POKEMON!”
Not a good idea to sneeze right now, Phineas.
Phineas: I just peed myself.
Jocasta: well this is an interesting turn of events.
Worset: holy cowpies. What the helheim ravi. This has to be the dumbest plan in the history of dumb plans.
Ravi: I assure you my friend that…
Worset: oh no you do not get to say my friend. You have put the face of my kind in the hands of a fool that will probably get the egg stolen in the first five seconds it is out of our site.
Well at least that is what is going through my head of what the next page is going to be like although I am now having a preminison of the total opposite thing happening. Love how the comic is going by the way Kory. Hugs
“face of my kind”??
I meant fate.
FOOMPH!®: Now with more Floof!™
… I notice that, in the last panel, Wosret is NOT standing as close to Phineas as in the first anymore … :-)
Ravi should do haircare/haircolor commercials. Instant color change! So much BODY! Snrk.
So I feel like it was Phineas who told the white dragon she might have a shot at getting an amulet, and also Phineas who knocked over the phoenix egg in the shop while they were gone (he DID have it for seemingly no reason and part of an earlier vision suggested as much, but he also accurately described the dragon.) If that is the case, was Ravi present that night BEFORE the fire or did he show up after? He seems like a fairly constant companion. He might be knowingly breaking the Don’t Interfere rules to give his friend a dramatic way to assuage his guilt. I wonder if that’s why he just DID IT thinking it would be fine rather than it simply being “immortal beings don’t really believe in mortals having bodily autonomy for because Power.”
… that’s an awful lot of loops to go jumping through to only explain and not even -excuse- a butts behavior. Ravi why you gotta be like this
Yes, yes, opinicus, but when do we get to see an enfield? Or even a PROPPA heraldic male gryphon?
I suppose we could hide Phineas’ wings and punk out his mane with gel. Fireproof gel.
Also, gosh-darnit-Ravi-haven’t-you-ever-heard-of-personal-elemental-space?!
The new and improved Phineas! Now with extra Floofyness and FLAMES!!!
We didn’t start the fire… Phineas was burning After Ravi turned him….
Flame on!
Well nobody else was saying it…
Ya but we were thinking it.
May I introduce to you: the new Emperor of the Firenation
HE’S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!