Oh hey, who is this guy again??? We haven’t seen him…awhile.
… Exactly what was he thinking how they were going to react? XD
at a guess?
“They MUST know I’m not here to start trouble as I snuck in and am trying to talk instead of the swoop and escape like last time!”
I imagine he’s never actually done the “Psssst” brand of “I just want to talk” before. He’s trying, okay? He… he saw it in a cartoon once.
He’s a dragon. OF COURSE he lacks exercise at social interaction XD
I’m personally offended.
Where’s Hiccup when ya need him?
Bloodcarver you can’t think this could have gone any other way.
Hello Bloodcarver, LTNS.
Shhhh? He’s in a sea monster’s home pool, next to an Avalon with bugbears in. He’s been detected. Unless he’s just worried about the human public.
Alec: Y’ won’t be seen ‘ere. Just stretch up and talk. But no funny business.
Bloodcarver: This is supposed to be a private conversation…
Orville: With bugbears around? Dream on. :-}
Lily: *runs in* *takes selfie with the Bloodcarver* :-D Now to collect on some bets! *runs out*
Indeed, the Bloodcarver should be glad that he’ll be finished and out of there before the elders can meet and pass a resolution on him. >;=)>
It’s possible dragons are somehow bugbear-proof, or there wouldn’t have been all this shock and surprise in earlier episodes that they’re still around.
I suspect Stanley has been swimming around the poor dragon all the way up to the Avalon, trying to get him to play.
This is why dragons wanted medallions. It’s so damn hard to sneak anywhere, never mind just trying to get into a shop to pick up some fish and chips.
Given that dragons apparently nearly exterminated the most powerful magic users in the setting, I dare say they’ve got some tricks of their own.
So page 1 is the cover?
I got a friend who’s a dragon. He’s nice. Also, I don’t believe he ‘ll do anything stupid in front of the whole communitie and a huge messy-like monster who protect them.
Dragons aprove ths reaction.
Poor Bloodcarver, he has no sense of appropiateness. And Greg has no chill.
My expression was pretty much a perfect match for Greg’s in panel 6.
Also, I love that these two nerds hang out and read books together.
And I’m just enough of a nerd to try to tell what books they’re reading. …
… I don’t know if that’s just the texture of michelle’s sweater, but in cartoons that checkerboard scratching usually signifies dirtiness, and combined with her scruffy legs, I almost would think I should be a bit concerned about her, but that could just be me o_O
Her legs…. I wonder if she’s just relaxed and let her fur out (must be nicer for Greg to rest on) but the sweater really looks…bad.
Kory, you are the artist – scruffy or texture, please?
My bet is it’s a chunky sweater and really, why would you shave a lions legs? It’ll just grow back and look silly in her true form. “Why yes, I do use nair. Why are you laughing?”
2005, the ready-distressed ‘shipwreck’ style was popular.
Kory’s own description from the character studies for this story on Patreon:
“I tried to give Michelle a suitably 2005-esque outfit, so I put her in capri jeans and a roughspun shipwreck sweater.”
Women can have scruffy legs…and totally be in an okay state. XD
Bloodcarver looks cute when he’s doing the shushing thing.
Ah, these amazing facial expressions… Skin Deep truly IS back. :D
Subtlety, thy name is Bloodcarver. XD
Bloodcarver looks pretty beat up. I take it things didn’t go so well after Michelle’s escape. Also Bloodcarver, you better say something fast you make your intentions clear. I’m assuming his intentions are just to talk, keeping in mind he let Michelle go. And maybe Greg and Michelle will take a moment to realize that he wouldn’t have given them the courtesy of “psst” if he wanted to hurt them. He was pretty efficient last time. :)
I’m really looking forward to see how this chapter unfolds. :D
I didn’t notice it at first, but yeah he’s got a lot of what looks like scars on him. I’m a bit worried that he’s not swiming for stealth, but because his wings are in no shape to fly :/
I really hope this dragon turns out to be nice and friendly, rather than trying to continue/finish off the Sphinx/Dragon war.
It’s Bloodcarver. Despite the ominous name, he’s pretty clearly sick of the “us vs them” of the war and just wants to go on a nice vacation with his wife, damn it.
Clearly he’s not getting that trip any time soon, though.
oh man Bloodcarver looks so good!! I sometimes re-read Skin Deep and it’s so clear how much growth you’ve gone through as an artist from seeing an old character that hasn’t been seen since the first chapter or so.
Bloodcarver trying to be subtle.
Things I never thought I would see.
So very, very pumped for this chapter!
Negotiations have broken down…
Hmmm. Back on https://www.skindeepcomic.com/archive/illumination-chapter-3-page-58/ , there was an extra row of smaller houses atop a seemingly uninterrupted quay wall and, on the page before that, Stanley’s basin, too, between Bloodcarver and his shushees. I guess that an underwater tunnel or a fake wall alike the avalon’s fake roof would be doable, but wouldn’t that also allow Stanley to get *out*? I don’t quite see Bloodcarver climbing *over* the quay wall in broad daylight, much less unnoticed by the two sitting right on the other side of the basin …
[insert mental image of Bloodcarver picking a – to him, miniature, not to mention completely overgrown with kelp or somesuch – lock underwater to open the grate in the underwater passage that hasn’t been opened ever since Stanley moved into the basin]
Those are buildings on the dock walls, and riverside wharves.
The Stanley docks are on the east side of Regent Road.
The buildings and riverside wharves and docks are on the west side.
In the final image of Illumination chapter 3, the image is looking east at the Stanley Docks, from roughly mid-channel, so those small buildings are effectively midground detail in front of the actual Stanley Docks building.
Bloodcarver looks so adorable with his ears being droopy and wet. It might be the low angle but it’s precious.
Greg, your Stoic the Vast is showing
“Bloodcarver! Hey dude, how ya doin’, how’s the family?”
The first words out of Bloodcaver’s mouth should have been, “I’m sorry. Can you forgive?” Not because he is genuinely sorry, but a little humility might yield a better reaction.
I think “Wait! I brought cookies!” might get him more breathing space than cutting straight to the chase like that.
After all which is more believable? Which is more easily verified? Which is more tasty with milk?
Well, great, NOW I’m worried that I’m more tasty with milk….
Are dragons naturally buoyant? I sort of want to imagine his feet paddling away under the water :D
Because that was ever going to work.
Wait, is Michelle in a hybrid form? When did she learn to do that?
Anyone else mistake Michelle’s legs in panel 4 for Greg’s? I was wondering why he suddenly rolled up his pant legs… xD
This chapter’s been a long while coming, but it’s sure not wasting any time now that it’s here!
Good to have Skin Deep back.
Ok, while sneaking up on people, jumping out and going “Shush” at them doesn’t seem like a great idea, being a big scary dragon might limit his options a bit.
… Exactly what was he thinking how they were going to react? XD
at a guess?
“They MUST know I’m not here to start trouble as I snuck in and am trying to talk instead of the swoop and escape like last time!”
I imagine he’s never actually done the “Psssst” brand of “I just want to talk” before. He’s trying, okay? He… he saw it in a cartoon once.
He’s a dragon. OF COURSE he lacks exercise at social interaction XD
I’m personally offended.
Where’s Hiccup when ya need him?
Bloodcarver you can’t think this could have gone any other way.
Hello Bloodcarver, LTNS.
Shhhh? He’s in a sea monster’s home pool, next to an Avalon with bugbears in. He’s been detected. Unless he’s just worried about the human public.
Alec: Y’ won’t be seen ‘ere. Just stretch up and talk. But no funny business.
Bloodcarver: This is supposed to be a private conversation…
Orville: With bugbears around? Dream on. :-}
Lily: *runs in* *takes selfie with the Bloodcarver* :-D Now to collect on some bets! *runs out*
Indeed, the Bloodcarver should be glad that he’ll be finished and out of there before the elders can meet and pass a resolution on him. >;=)>
It’s possible dragons are somehow bugbear-proof, or there wouldn’t have been all this shock and surprise in earlier episodes that they’re still around.
I suspect Stanley has been swimming around the poor dragon all the way up to the Avalon, trying to get him to play.
This is why dragons wanted medallions. It’s so damn hard to sneak anywhere, never mind just trying to get into a shop to pick up some fish and chips.
Given that dragons apparently nearly exterminated the most powerful magic users in the setting, I dare say they’ve got some tricks of their own.
So page 1 is the cover?
I got a friend who’s a dragon. He’s nice. Also, I don’t believe he ‘ll do anything stupid in front of the whole communitie and a huge messy-like monster who protect them.
Dragons aprove ths reaction.
Poor Bloodcarver, he has no sense of appropiateness. And Greg has no chill.
My expression was pretty much a perfect match for Greg’s in panel 6.
Also, I love that these two nerds hang out and read books together.
And I’m just enough of a nerd to try to tell what books they’re reading. …
… I don’t know if that’s just the texture of michelle’s sweater, but in cartoons that checkerboard scratching usually signifies dirtiness, and combined with her scruffy legs, I almost would think I should be a bit concerned about her, but that could just be me o_O
Her legs…. I wonder if she’s just relaxed and let her fur out (must be nicer for Greg to rest on) but the sweater really looks…bad.
Kory, you are the artist – scruffy or texture, please?
My bet is it’s a chunky sweater and really, why would you shave a lions legs? It’ll just grow back and look silly in her true form. “Why yes, I do use nair. Why are you laughing?”
2005, the ready-distressed ‘shipwreck’ style was popular.
Kory’s own description from the character studies for this story on Patreon:
“I tried to give Michelle a suitably 2005-esque outfit, so I put her in capri jeans and a roughspun shipwreck sweater.”
Women can have scruffy legs…and totally be in an okay state. XD
Bloodcarver looks cute when he’s doing the shushing thing.
Ah, these amazing facial expressions… Skin Deep truly IS back. :D
Subtlety, thy name is Bloodcarver. XD
Bloodcarver looks pretty beat up. I take it things didn’t go so well after Michelle’s escape. Also Bloodcarver, you better say something fast you make your intentions clear. I’m assuming his intentions are just to talk, keeping in mind he let Michelle go. And maybe Greg and Michelle will take a moment to realize that he wouldn’t have given them the courtesy of “psst” if he wanted to hurt them. He was pretty efficient last time. :)
I’m really looking forward to see how this chapter unfolds. :D
I didn’t notice it at first, but yeah he’s got a lot of what looks like scars on him. I’m a bit worried that he’s not swiming for stealth, but because his wings are in no shape to fly :/
I really hope this dragon turns out to be nice and friendly, rather than trying to continue/finish off the Sphinx/Dragon war.
It’s Bloodcarver. Despite the ominous name, he’s pretty clearly sick of the “us vs them” of the war and just wants to go on a nice vacation with his wife, damn it.
Clearly he’s not getting that trip any time soon, though.
oh man Bloodcarver looks so good!! I sometimes re-read Skin Deep and it’s so clear how much growth you’ve gone through as an artist from seeing an old character that hasn’t been seen since the first chapter or so.
Bloodcarver trying to be subtle.
Things I never thought I would see.
So very, very pumped for this chapter!
Negotiations have broken down…
Hmmm. Back on https://www.skindeepcomic.com/archive/illumination-chapter-3-page-58/ , there was an extra row of smaller houses atop a seemingly uninterrupted quay wall and, on the page before that, Stanley’s basin, too, between Bloodcarver and his shushees. I guess that an underwater tunnel or a fake wall alike the avalon’s fake roof would be doable, but wouldn’t that also allow Stanley to get *out*? I don’t quite see Bloodcarver climbing *over* the quay wall in broad daylight, much less unnoticed by the two sitting right on the other side of the basin …
[insert mental image of Bloodcarver picking a – to him, miniature, not to mention completely overgrown with kelp or somesuch – lock underwater to open the grate in the underwater passage that hasn’t been opened ever since Stanley moved into the basin]
Those are buildings on the dock walls, and riverside wharves.
The Stanley docks are on the east side of Regent Road.
The buildings and riverside wharves and docks are on the west side.
In the final image of Illumination chapter 3, the image is looking east at the Stanley Docks, from roughly mid-channel, so those small buildings are effectively midground detail in front of the actual Stanley Docks building.
Google Maps satellite view
Bloodcarver looks so adorable with his ears being droopy and wet. It might be the low angle but it’s precious.
Greg, your Stoic the Vast is showing
“Bloodcarver! Hey dude, how ya doin’, how’s the family?”
The first words out of Bloodcaver’s mouth should have been, “I’m sorry. Can you forgive?” Not because he is genuinely sorry, but a little humility might yield a better reaction.
I think “Wait! I brought cookies!” might get him more breathing space than cutting straight to the chase like that.
After all which is more believable? Which is more easily verified? Which is more tasty with milk?
Well, great, NOW I’m worried that I’m more tasty with milk….
Are dragons naturally buoyant? I sort of want to imagine his feet paddling away under the water :D
Because that was ever going to work.
Wait, is Michelle in a hybrid form? When did she learn to do that?
Anyone else mistake Michelle’s legs in panel 4 for Greg’s? I was wondering why he suddenly rolled up his pant legs… xD
This chapter’s been a long while coming, but it’s sure not wasting any time now that it’s here!
Good to have Skin Deep back.
Ok, while sneaking up on people, jumping out and going “Shush” at them doesn’t seem like a great idea, being a big scary dragon might limit his options a bit.
Would someone stop this satyr from yelling ‘Dragon!’ all the time?