I think it’s funny that Dr. Wes has appeared in Reader Questions far more often than he’s been in the actual comic. What can I say, he has a lot of helpful knowledge to share!
This is the LAST WEEK to sign up for this quarter’s PATREON PIN CLUB! This quarter the theme is CRYPTIDS, and if you join in September and stay joined through November, you’ll get these pins in November! More information and rules over on my Patreon!
This raises further questions, do people give birth in full form or can you give birth in mid/human form?
My understanding is whatever form you’re in when giving birth is whatever form the baby will be in when born. Though what would happen with mid-form is a good question.
If I were to make a guess, the exertion and focus of birth would likely play merry hell with one’s capacity to hold focus on a middle state; its all one or the other.
Has anyone ever used their midform to attend a Furry convention? If so, who? If not, why not?
Very likely.
Kory, have you ever heard the legend of the Danish “Helhest” – the ghost of a three-legged horse, buried alive before a church was built ? A sinister omen of death and disease ?
…Well, it sounds like some sort of cryptid to me ! What’s your take on that?
Or, if this is too sinister, if we stay in the Nordic mythology… What about Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged horse? Sounds like that one must have an octupus somewhere in the family tree…
Have fun and a really nice day !
Looking as an octopus is an interesting concept
It could be spider ancestry:
Do Nemean Lions in human form retain their nigh invincibility?
So, uh, how do Nemean moms carry the babies to term safely?
“Yo, mom! Up those intrauterin sedatives a bit, or there’ll be an ‘inside job’ caesarean!”
Perhaps Nemean cubs have similar coverings on their claws when in-utero that baby hoofed mammals have on their feet