It may come as a surprise that Merial is the only one of the entire group who actually has any sort of plan for higher education. She’s going to be a SCIENTIST.
This Saturday I will be at MALL RATS in the Lloyd Center Mall in Portland! If you’re in the area come check out a bunch of cool local artists and maybe pick something up for Mother’s Day!!
I think if a bugbear was to show up right now, it would just take the form of Jim telling me I also missed my classes. I haven’t gone to college in 25 years, and I still have fears about missing classes.
Earlier this week, I woke up in a cold sweat thinking “Oh crap, what time is it? I’m late for class!!!”
I finished my degree 12 years ago…
As someone who graduated college in 2007, I can safely say those nightmares…they never stop.
Are Ghouls a thing? And talking the pre-Islamic middle east ones.
And these are the people* who complain about student debt >.>
Stop going to college if you don’t care about it! Save the money!
(not Merial)*
What? This… feels a bit reductive.
Also I doubt Jim is going to complain about student loans.
Remember that this comic is set in the mid-2000s! We were very much pressured to go to college right out of high school no matter if you had no idea what you wanted to do in college. Lots of “undecided” majors in the freshman classes.
Do you have any statistics to back up your claim that the people who complain about the out-of-control financial aspect of the american education system are predominantly people who were indecisive about their field of study?
Knowing Merial wants to be a scientist warms my heart
Merial is going to have a totally unfair advantage over every other freshwater biologist when it comes to doing field work. The question is how to write up “be a nixie,” in the methods when you’re explaining how you managed to shadow a pike or whatever for nine hours and keep up with its swimming speed.
Extreme freediver. Hyper-certified SCUBA.
“I dunno, these sound fishy.”
Eh, just mention your use of glue.
Do golems exist in the SD universe? If so, are they sentient, or just mindless automatons?
Ooh, Michelle should think about studying Greek and Egyptian history, with a focus on mythology and linguistics! It would probably help a lot with being able to read/understand/interact with ancient artifacts related to sphinxes.