I think I’ve drawn Hulders before in Reader Questions, but a lot of Scandinavian creatures don’t require shapeshifting or magic to hide their non-human status. Lucky for themmmmmm.
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Hulders have been drawn in the 2016 and 2017 RQs, Kory
April 2016 RQ #11
January 2017 RQ # 8
Group photo!
where does Stanley come from? Is there a breeding population of marine reptiles under the eyes of London itself?
What about Melusine’s species, several noble houses of Europe claimed to descend from her so if you take into account the aristocracy’s propensity for siring bastards left and right, she must have quite a large number of distant descendants by now.
As for Scandinavian critters, let’s not forget trolls– some Trollwives supposedly look more or less humanoid so long as they hide their tails.
But what if something human looking, like this hulder, were to be frisked? Like as a security measure for something? They can’t quite hide their tail or the hole in their back during a pat down.
Are there some D&D monsters that are cannon in this universe? Like the Tarrasque or Beholder?
I’d assume these Hulders go to Avalon doctors, then? Seems risky to be frisked by a human one.