This picture is in black and white so you can’t tell that this otter is covered in blood WAIT NOPE THAT’S NOT BLOOD IT’S JUST A FRIENDLY OTTER.
This picture is in black and white so you can’t tell that this otter is covered in blood WAIT NOPE THAT’S NOT BLOOD IT’S JUST A FRIENDLY OTTER.
Okay, no. It’s a BUGBEAR TRICK. Because just no, that is truly freakin’ terrifying. Nooooooooo! **hides under couch**
Ha. My first role-play character was a huge 10′ nose-to-tail tip river otter, but he was more interested in chewing buttons, running off with socks, and tummyrubs than eating people.
Yeah, but those are real!
Gesundheit. XD
Hey Kory, random question: Can Nimeans talk when they are in their natural form? I can’t recall ever seeing that mentioned either way.
Sorry, “Nemean”. I had no edit option for some reason.
I would think that Nemean Lions can talk in full form, otherwise there would have been no way for them to communicate with the Elders in what would become Liverpool, to request to move into the Mythical community there, or for Phineas to be able to talk with his Nemean Lion friend.
Phineas would have had problems becoming friends with a Nemean Lion if they could not communicate with each other.
Illumination chapter 2, page 28 –
A bugbear’s best friend and drinking partner
Terror otter. Nice job, I’ve unlocked a new nightmare tier. great job!
Is Greg a DC or Marvel guy?
Abigail, me again. We know you preen your feathers, but had there ever been an instance where you need to pluck any feathers?
In general, how common is it in the cryptid community for feathers to molt?
Follow up question, what do you do with said feathers?
Heh; you just gave me a really funny thought. Most birdwatchers I’ve known tend to pick up random feathers when out and about– can you imagine one coming across a stray Harpy feather that had been blown out of an Avalon by the wind? One that’s, say, three feet long, in the middle of London or Liverpool or wherever? “Uh… guess I’d better report this. ‘Feather of an unknown bird; plumage indicates a possible Corvus origin but size is… is…’ Screw it, I’ll just frame it and hang it on my wall.”
That’s what I was thinking about.
Considering what Blanche’s mother, Adelle, says to Anthony about feathers regrowing, I would say that both Aellean Harpies, and Perytons do moult.
Reunion page 6 –
A question for the Bohemian Lion’s.
What do you think of your dutch and belgian cousins?
Question Kory, sorry if this was asked already, but is there other well known American cryptids in the Skindeep? Like thunderbirds, Bigfoot, Jersey Devil, ect?
Not Quite what I had in mind, The otters of Irish lore I’ve read about were described as nearly invincible warriors. Actually, that would be interesting to see, A Nemean Lion and an Irish (warrior) otter in a scuffle, since both practically invincible it could act as a nice surprise for the Nemean